Title: Department Corruption
Game date: September 7, 1998
Time: 2:00pm
Characters featured: Kingsley Shacklebolt, Charlie Weasley
Location: The Ministry
Status: Private
Completion: Complete
"Thank you for your time Minister."
Kingsley nodded as his guest exited, sitting back and allowing some of his tension to drain away in a moment of honest silence. He had expected the Ministry to be a mess but no where near the level it had been reduced. He silently cursed Thicknesse - Fudge and Scrimgeour as well, though he felt a pang at the remembrance of the former Auror. Too many good wizards and witches had been lost in the fight - Remus, Tonks, Sirius, Moody, Dumbledore - he felt a deep sigh tumble through him at the thought of the many good friends he had lost in such a short period of time.
There was little time to mourn here, not with a near revamping of the Ministry taking place under his watchful eye. Kingsley glanced to his planner, an old leather piece with a large scratch down the middle when one of his and Moody's impromptu duels went a little too far. He smiled briefly at the memory of Moody's grudging offer to buy him an undamaged piece as he flipped the planner open, arching an eyebrow at the next entry.
Charles Weasley, 2:00. Discussion on the Magical Creatures Department. Kingsley remembered back to a few days before, when his junior undersecretary hesitantly asked for a word. He had been so surprised to hear the normally confident, professional boy sound so unsure and had granted his request - along with the next request to speak with his older brother about apparent corruption in the magical creatures department. Kingsley knew Kirkwell personally and well enough to put little doubt on the claim, though he wondered what family drama had come along. Percy hadn't seemed well the past few days and with the Ministry so in shambles Kingsley couldn't spare an employee who knew his job inside and out.
His thoughts were interrupted by a hesitant knock on the door before the other Weasley entered. Kinglsey looked him over - it had been quite a while since he had seen the wizard in person. He was a valuable member of the Order, stuck with the hard job of affairs internationally - a position difficult to handle with such a large family still in the in the worst of the storm. A dangerous job as well; Kingsley nearly winced as he recalled a mission he had assigned Charlie that had nearly gotten him killed due to some misinformation. He had been glad to hear that the young man was joining the ranks of the Ministry - with his overwhelming passion for magical creatures he could be a much needed change in some circles.
"Take a seat Charlie. I see Britain is treating you well." Kingsley said in his usual calming bass, gesturing to the chair before him and regarding the other's paler color with a hint of amusement.