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Comments 172

mirrorbirth April 18 2011, 06:24:12 UTC
[Trying to sneak in, dear mother? For shame, for shame. You live with a son who used to be a ninja, you know.

Still, Asch doesn't emerge from his room until the smell of breakfast fills the apartment, looking as fresh as someone can look in the morning without having a shower. He's in the middle of reading a book as he sits himself down, but Paprika gets a mumbled "good morning" from him, at least. Not the friendliest son ever.]


cakeblocked April 18 2011, 06:27:31 UTC
[Though Luke is a late sleeper compared to Paprika and Asch, he still gets up bright and earlyish and is immediately surprised by the fact that it feels like he barely got any sleep at all. He went to bed early like always, right? So why was he so tired...? Even when he looked into the mirror, he looked as if he got three or four hours of sleep, at most. Uuugh... Hopefully mother won't ask questions. And hopefully he can guard his thoughts and emotions enough for Asch to not catch on.

At least the smell wakes him up a little. With a great big yawn, he rubs his eyes and heads out to the table, where he flops down into a chair and just stares blearily ahead, bedhead and pajamas and all. Maaan, he hasn't had this little sleep in ages.]


byakkoyagirl April 18 2011, 17:55:02 UTC
[When they get to their seats the plates and cups will already be down in front of them, fresh and ready. She soon seats herself and looks at her two sons with a smile.


Well, aren't you two cheerful this morning! [She laughs a little.] Got plans for today I hope? I don't want to see either of you loafing around. ...And Asch, put down the book while eating, it isn't going anywhere.


mirrorbirth April 18 2011, 23:36:34 UTC
[Asch doesn't respond for another moment or so, finishing up the paragraph he's on before reluctantly closing the book, looking irritated at having to stop. The last thing he wants is breakfast conversation. Meaningless chatter is not his thing.]

Training your mind isn't loafing around. I don't want to end up being good for nothing but fighting like some people.



gardenerofgaia April 18 2011, 07:53:54 UTC
You got left in the woods? And here I thought waking up in someone else's apartment was bad. [It was certainly embarrassing enough.]


byakkoyagirl April 18 2011, 17:56:15 UTC
Least you were sleeping somewhere that didn't give you backaches. You got out of that situation well enough?


fff I thought I sent this. gardenerofgaia April 19 2011, 02:01:04 UTC
It was Zack, so it wasn't much of a "situation". An embarrassment? Yep! But... [She shakes her head, letting the topic go.]

How bad does it hurt? Maybe I could help. [She does practice healing with Nala, after all.


/patpat byakkoyagirl April 19 2011, 03:44:25 UTC
I gotcha. [Yeah moving on--]

You don't need to worry about me, really! I'll be alright. If I do feel more pains you'll be the first to know, alright?


doubleppk April 18 2011, 08:10:54 UTC
I don't suppose you sleepwalk, do you?


byakkoyagirl April 18 2011, 17:57:21 UTC
Can't say I do. Then again, you can never really tell if you sleepwalk unless someone watches you do it.


doubleppk April 19 2011, 00:36:25 UTC
Ah, very true. Perhaps someone spotted you doing it this first time.


byakkoyagirl April 19 2011, 00:55:01 UTC
If they did I would really appreciate them telling me! Sleep walking is technically a disorder.


[Written] consultmybooks April 18 2011, 11:54:36 UTC
Someone left you in the woods?

...I don't suppose you'd mind sharing the name of the individual when you finally discover it?


[Written] byakkoyagirl April 18 2011, 17:57:50 UTC
Nope, sorry. There won't be anything left of them when I finish.


Re: [Written] consultmybooks April 18 2011, 20:14:21 UTC
I never get to have any fun thanks to you. What if I want the chance to express my displeasure over waking up in the clinic?


[Written] byakkoyagirl April 18 2011, 21:15:57 UTC
Wow. I am so sorry you ended up in the clinic. In a warm bed, with food and shelter and people to tend to you. My pity only surpasses my sarcasm in weight.


Scrambles to remember who was all related to Vash. Hi Aunty goldenglasses April 18 2011, 14:17:55 UTC
You woke up in the woods?! [Suddenly waking up where he did doesn't sound so bad at all.]


Hi nephew~ byakkoyagirl April 18 2011, 17:58:43 UTC
Sure did. Pretty rude to dump me out there, while other people got nice beds that aren't their own.


goldenglasses April 18 2011, 18:04:04 UTC
[He winces.] Yeah, I wonder why you got sent to the woods. Are you alright?


byakkoyagirl April 18 2011, 18:06:59 UTC
Beats me. I'm punching the guy who gave us new room assignments and stuck me with 'middle of the woods'. But yeah, I'm fine.


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