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Comments 20

holidaylights October 3 2009, 18:43:49 UTC
Least Favorite Icons
05 - The over-contrasting and odd crop make it very difficult to tell what the icon is of - if I didn't know the theme, I probably wouldn't have guessed.
06 - Tight face crops can work, but in this one, the focus is drawn mainly to the subject's nose, the position of the subject is slightly off-balance to the right, and it's impossible to tell who it is. A little more white probably would have given the icon some depth as well.
14 - The icon is undercontrasted and a tiny bit blurry - that, combined with the amount of negative space, makes it somewhat bland.

Favorite Icon
07 - Great use of negative space, and I love the contrast between the dark of the background and the lights they're holding.
10 - Beautifully cropped and fantastic levels of contrast and sharpness. Most iconers seem to ignore the film/tv composition imperative of giving your subject "noseroom" (having more space in the direction they're facing), and here, the way Luna's staring off into the distance really benefits the icon.


sterre October 4 2009, 02:06:10 UTC
Hi. You've got three least favourite icons. Which two would you like us to count?


holidaylights October 4 2009, 02:08:33 UTC
Oh, whoops - I went with the info in the top of the post instead of the number of blanks.

Keep 5 and 14, please.


sidhex3 October 4 2009, 04:03:31 UTC
hehe...i just realised the instructions actually say 'Vote for your THREE (3) least favorite icons'. no doubt, a few folks will be confused. ;)


alliana07 October 3 2009, 19:26:33 UTC
Least Favorite Icons
05 - It's very hard to tell what the subject of this icon is. If I didn't know the stock theme was "dance" (I'm assuming that's what this is), I wouldn't even be able to guess... It looks a lot like a white blur on a back background.
08 - The image is cute, but the text seems squished into the top, which makes it very distracting.

Favorite Icon
03 - It's very simple, but I love the crop, contrast, and texture usage.
07 - Perfect crop and composition, with the empty space. The only thing that might have made it better would have maybe been some text on the top, or perhaps a slight grunge texture to break up the black.


endearest October 3 2009, 20:01:46 UTC
Least Favorite Icons
##09 - while the centred crop is well executed, the use of the texture washes out the contrast + tones from the subject, providing the only black in the form of a border which is too strong a contrast to the tones left in the image.
##05 - while the crop is interesting, it provides too little of the original image to mmake it clear as to the subject of the icon. The black + white tones are in high contrast with each other + there is not enough grey to balance the icon.

Favorite Icon
##07 - brilliant crop + use of negative space, b+w tones are perfect too.
##16 - I'm completely anti the text placement but over all the tones + crop are brilliant.


sidhex3 October 3 2009, 20:13:29 UTC
Least Favorite Icons
#4 - the framing texture doesn't complement the image well at all. it's too rustic(?....like a fence with a hole in it) looking.
#5 - not sure if the problem is due to cropping or just poor image selection, but i can't identify what is in this icon.

Favorite Icon
#1 - nice cropping and overall composition. it's well contrasted and dark enough that the backlighting doesn't overpower the people.
#11 - could perhaps be a wee bit brighter, but the crop is fab and the wisp of texture sets hermione off nicely!


hermionesparkle October 3 2009, 21:17:32 UTC
Least Favorite Icons
#12 - the icon is a bit to dark & it's hard to tell what the image is at first since it blends into the background so much.
#13 - the image is over sharpened, esp. in the areas of Harry's glasses, eye, and lower chin.

Favorite Icon
#1 - although it's a bit blurry by the person's shirt on the right, it's a well executed icon. the lighter colored negative space draws your eye & the text is well placed so that the icon appears to be well balanced.
#4 - the texture is different & attracts your eye. the crop is well done & the image has just the right amount of brightness/contrast to make it pop out against the others.


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