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Comments 20

lauralovesnaley October 3 2009, 17:41:29 UTC
Least Favorite Icons
1 - The edges are too jaged, particularly in the arms and by the black t-shirt. "I Will Wait" is too bold for how small the text is. The white light behind the people is too bright and overpowering.
13- Harry's face has too much contrast; the left cheek being bright white and beyond the nose being black. This is reallydistracting. The icon is oversharpened, particularly in the glasses and left side of the face. The different opacities of the text is confusing and distracts from Harry.

Favorite Icon
5 - The crop is really intriguing and does a great job of higlighting the "dance" aspect of the icon. Also, the simplicity of the icon makes it stand out. The impecible use of negative space really makes the subject pop.
14 - The crop and negative space used compliment each other nicely, so that even though Harry takes up a minimal amount of the image, he still stands out. Also, the use of not quite black in the background compliments the subdued coloring nicely.


gribouille October 3 2009, 17:45:35 UTC
Least Favorite Icons
09 - The icon could do with some more contrast, Voldemort's body does not seem clearly separated to the background.
05 - the upper part of the subject's body could do with more light, as its darkness makes difficult to know what the icon is about.

Favorite Icon
08 - Apart from the fact than the image is very nice, the crop suits it as well and the text is very well found.
17 - very nice cropping overall, as it focuses well on the dancer, and the position of the text is nice as well.


juniorfan29 October 3 2009, 17:45:47 UTC
Least Favorite Icons
12 -At first glance, it's really hard to tell what is in the picture, it just looks like a big blurry blob
5 - The picture is so out of focus, that I'm not even sure what it is supposed to be of.

Favorite Icon
7 - Good crop and nice use of negative space, it makes for an interesting icon.
1 -The cropping, the use of a background texture, and the placement and arrangement of text make for a visually appealing icon.


rebelstrike21 October 3 2009, 17:54:01 UTC
Least Favorite Icons
#5 - The crop is awkward as it's hard to even tell what the original image is.
#9 - There is not enough contrast in the icon and makes it far too washed out.

Favorite Icon
#16 - Great use of texture and text placement.
#10 - Wonderful balance and contrast; really emphasizes the character's face.


omigod_we_rock October 3 2009, 18:03:25 UTC
Least Favorite Icons
14 - The icon is very blurry and the lack of contrast makes it hard to focus on the subject.
13 - Too much sharpening.. the font also seems too blurry.

Favorite Icon
7 - The cropping is fantastic, and the contrast is perfect. The empty space is very effective.
15 - The textures add to the icon so, so much. They're subtle and not too overpowering. The darkness of the shadows on Emma look great, also!


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