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Comments 23

egotists September 26 2009, 19:45:36 UTC
Damn knew I forgot something -headdesks-

Least Favorite Icons
#15 - While the idea for the blur may have been nice it was executred poorly. It ends up being too blurry and being sore on the eyes. Plus with an excessive amount of negative space the icon is just too empty.
#12 - The white line around the girl is completely distracting and unappealing. Also the background is very flat in it's colors which gives the icon a dull look overall.
#4 - There's a complete lack of contrast throughout the icon. The formation and cut was a nice start but it falls flat due to that very evident lack of levels in color.

Favorite Icon
#1 - Very simple, nice, and clean. Good choice in font as well.
#7 - Lovely cut and coloring.


alliana07 September 26 2009, 20:45:25 UTC
Least Favorite Icons
12 - While an interesting idea, in theory, removing the background from the image only detracts from it. The grey background added in draws the eye away from her, and the white line around her is very distracting. Leaving the original background in probably would have looked better.
13 - A little more contrast would have helped this icon a lot, it seems very "grey" as opposed to having good levels of black and white and grey. Also, the crop is very simple, perhaps a different crop would have made the icon stand out more.
02 - The white "blur" on the right of the icon pulls the eye away from Jack, it also has the effect of making him look too lightened. Perhaps using black on the side, as opposed to white, and adding a bit more contrast would have made this icon pop more.

Favorite Icon11 - Simple, but beautiful. I love the empty space, but also that you put a texture there so that it doesn't look too empty. The crop is perfect, as well ( ... )


00mina September 26 2009, 23:05:24 UTC
Least Favorite Icons
12 - The background is too dark, too overpowering for the subject. The blurred white thing left around Elizabeth makes it look like she's glowing. It's distracting.
14 - The contrast is too high, making Johhny's face lose a lot of shadow and detail.
15 - The blurring looks a bit awkward, you can't distinguish the contourns of Johnny's head and that makes it look distorted/stretched.

Favorite Icon
01 - great positioning/composition, contrast is just right.
11 - nice contrast, it's clear and bright enough without being too bright.


hermionesparkle September 27 2009, 00:25:22 UTC
Least Favorite Icons
#3 - the crop is awkward because it's so close that it toke out the bird's beak off. it's hard to figure out what the image is supposed to be. also the feathers look over sharpened but that could be due to the close crop.
#5 - the crop is great but the icon's contrast is set to high so that it's hard to make out what the image is supposed to be at first because it blends into the background so much.
#12 - the white glow around the image is distracting against the dark background. also the texture doesn't appear to blend in well with the main image since it makes the lines appear blurry instead of smooth.

Favorite Icon
#11 - the crop is unique & the negative space & texture seems to blend in together very well pulling the whole thing together.
#16 - the crop is so well done so that you can read the expression of his face without having to see the other side of it.

Sorry I didn't get to enter this challenge!


immortalje September 27 2009, 13:17:19 UTC
Least Favorite Icons
#18 - The uneven borders are very distracting. Especially the fact that there isn't a white border at the bottom make the icon look incomplete as if there was still a part missing there.
#12 - The white outline sets the foreground and background too far apart. It would have been better if both parts blended more softly together.
#4 - The icon is very flat and could have used more contrast.

Favorite Icon
#17 - Nice crop and use of text
#13 - Nice crop and the amount of contrast is just perfect.


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