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Comments 23

lauralovesnaley September 26 2009, 12:47:51 UTC
Least Favorite Icons
12 - The bright edges are too immediate and don't fade into the background very well making them overtake the subject of the icon.
03 - The crop being so close makes it really hard to see what the animal as. The texture of the bird's skin seems to take over the whole icon.
05 - The right side of the icon is too dark, making it really difficult to see a lot of detail in Johnny's face. This coloring also makes the mustache look odd because it looks like it's just sticking out of nothing.

Favorite Icon
15 - The motion-looking edges of Johnny work well with this icon and smooth into the black background nicely.
04 - Great use of two unique pictures, and good job of using two unique crops to set them apart.


quiddity_ September 26 2009, 16:20:05 UTC
I just want to double check your last least favorite vote: by Johnny's face, you mean Orlando's face? this is the original image.


lauralovesnaley September 26 2009, 17:51:40 UTC
Yes, the problem with voting at 7 in the morning on two hours sleep. My apologies.


omigod_we_rock September 26 2009, 14:19:37 UTC
Least Favorite Icons
02 - The texture seems a bit misplaced.. I think it needs to be moved to the left a bit.
12 - The contrast is too bright near the bottom of the icon, making it hard on the eyes.
13 - The quality of the icon is very low, and it makes the icon very distorted.

Favorite Icon
03 - Such interesting cropping! It's so different from the others, and the contrast is great.
17 - I absolutely love the placement of the text, and the placement and resizing of the hummingbird makes it even better.


quiddity_ September 26 2009, 16:23:38 UTC
Can you reword your first least favorite vote please? The first part of your reason works, but your explanation as to why it's misplaced uses subjective terms. We need you to use technical (non-biased so try to stay away from "I think...", "...to me", etc.) reasons when you're voting against icons. :)

And can you elaborate just a little bit more on your last least favorite vote? Can you be a bit more specific as to how the icon is distorted? pixelation? blurry? jpeg artifacts? something else?

Thanks :)


omigod_we_rock September 27 2009, 17:12:53 UTC
Least Favorite Icons
02 - The texture seems a bit misplaced.. It needs to be moved to the left a bit so that you can't see the hard edge of your original image.
12 - The contrast is too bright near the bottom of the icon, making it hard on the eyes.
13 - The quality of the icon is very low, and it makes the icon very distorted. It seems that maybe you saved it in a format other than .png, which caused jpeg artifacts. It seems apparent above the hummingbird's back.

Favorite Icon
03 - Such interesting cropping! It's so different from the others, and the contrast is great.
17 - I absolutely love the placement of the text, and the placement and resizing of the hummingbird makes it even better.


justmyb0nes September 26 2009, 15:21:31 UTC
Least Favorite Icons
14 - The picture is to bright. We can't see details on his face because he contrasts disappeared with the light so that the noise is fading in his face. It looks awkward.
04 - The icon needs more light to increase the contrast and add ore "white" instead of the grey (and so gives more depth to the icon)
06 - The background texture is too distracting. We focus on it instead of the subject. Maybe faded it a little in the sky or smudge/blur it would have helped to make it less visible and attract the attention on the subject.

Favorite Icon
11 - The texture used as a background fits perfectly the subjet. The crop and the balanced of the black and white givea soft and sweet tone.
16 - The sharpeness is perfect. The black and white well balanced because we can see each details of his face and it works well with the close up.


megalicious September 26 2009, 17:04:11 UTC
Crap, I thought I had made all the icons I needed to. *sigh* Ah well.

Least Favorite Icons
#6 - Icon could use more contrast; there's too much grey & not enough black and white. Also, the tiny text (?) on the left side is unnecessary, the icon would have looked nicer without it.
#11 - The icon is too bright and a bit washed out. The texture(s) are unflattering, the white spots around the hummingbird are distracting.
#12 - Making the background black took away from the icon, it would have looked better with the original background. The white blob on the left as well as the white glow around Keira take away from the focus, which should be Keira.

Favorite Icon
#1 - The center crop, use of negative space, text, and rounded edges all look fantastic on this icon, the combination of all those things work very well together.
#17 - Interesting crop and good use of text. Also, nice use of negative space.


sidhex3 September 26 2009, 19:19:30 UTC
Least Favorite Icons
#4 - overall, the icon is too dark which makes it look a bit flat/dull and lifeless.
#5 - the right side of will's face is too dark & lacking in contrast and too much fine detail is lost.
#14 - the icon is overcontrasted the fine detail in the center and lower part of the image are lost.

Favorite Icon
#9 - gorgeous...perfectly contrasted and shadowed!
#11 - lovely crop and the textures are a nice compliment to the subject.


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