Fic: Red Leather (3/8)

May 18, 2008 16:24

Title: Red Leather, Part 3

Rating: NC-17

Spoilers: Thru 2-11 "Adrift"

Disclaimer: Jack and Ianto belong to Russell T. Davies and the Mighty Beeb. Just goofin' around!

Summary: This is Part 3 of a sequel to Whatever You Need (Here are Part 1 and Part 2). Jack is still brooding on the events in Adrift and dom!Ianto comes up with a way to take his mind off what happened… Part 3 - in which we see Jack suffer [insert evil laugh here]…

Red Leather, Part Three

It was the longest meeting of Jack’s life. The team was delighted to find him coming out of his funk and seemed particularly long-winded, making up for lost time. They were also inclined to linger over Ianto’s excellent coffee and the tasty selection of pastries he’d fetched from the little bakery around the corner.

Jack tried to concentrate on what everyone was saying, but every time he moved the lasso pulled a little at his sensitive skin and reminded him of its presence. And every time he shifted in his chair or winced, Ianto would meet his eyes and smile. He seemed to be drawing out the conversations as well. Jack wasn’t positive, but it seemed like every time of one of the team looked like they were going to get up and leave, Ianto would ask a question that set the conversation going again.

Finally, Owen stood up and announced that he had an autopsy to get started and the meeting was over. Jack stood up with relief and was about to follow Gwen out the door when he heard Ianto’s voice behind him.

“Sir? Could I have a word?”

Jack turned and moved out of the doorway so Tosh could get past him. He noticed she was smirking which made him frown. Does she know? he wondered. Ianto saw the frown and knew exactly what Jack was thinking. He turned his laugh into a cough and walked around the table to stand in front of Jack.

“Where are you taking me to lunch?” Ianto asked, stroking the bulge in Jack’s trousers gently. When Jack winced again, he asked in a different voice, “Still okay?”

Jack answered the second question. “Yeah, it’s just those damn tassels. They tickle!”

Ianto laughed and stroked a bit harder, “Yeah, the clerk told me they were…what was the word?” He leaned in to brush his lips against Jack’s. “Devilish. They only put the tassels on the red ones.”

They both laughed for a moment, Jack’s turning into a gasp as Ianto turned his hand and grasped Jack’s cock more firmly through his trousers.

“Oh, God, Yan…” he moaned and then said, “Wait. Clerk? Did you go to that shop without me?”

Ianto rolled his eyes, “No Jack, I just happened to have a red leather cock ring in a drawer at home. Besides,” he continued while stroking Jack harder, “I had a few questions I needed answered. He was very helpful and as soon as I explained exactly what I had in mind for you today, he brought this,” he gave Jack a squeeze, “out and told me all about it. Had to make sure I wasn’t doing anything that might…er…damage you.”

Jack smiled and closed his eyes again, “The only thing that’s going to get damaged in a minute is the inside of my pants.”

Ianto squeezed Jack again, “Oh, I don’t think so,” he whispered.

He dropped his hand and stepped back. Jack’s eyes flew open.

“What?” he asked stupidly.

Ianto slipped his hands in his pockets, “I was just making sure the lasso wasn’t too tight when you were hard. So - lunch? Let me know.”

Jack just looked at Ianto for a moment. “You’re serious.”

“Of course,” Ianto said as if it were obvious. “And no touching yourself! I told you this morning, Jack. Behave and do as you’re told and maybe I’ll let you come tonight.” With that, he walked out of the room leaving a stunned Jack behind him.

Ianto headed up to the Tourist Office, knowing that the more time he spent around Jack the more he’d be inclined to take pity on him. After all, watching Jack orgasm was…an experience to say the least.

Ianto sat behind the reception desk and turned his monitor to the internal CCTV display. He flipped through the cameras until he found Jack who was leaning against the rail above the surgery watching Owen’s autopsy. Ianto smothered a laugh as he saw Jack frown and put his hands in his pockets. Looking furtively around to make sure no one was watching, he shook his trousers and did a quick, sexy little dance to adjust himself and the cock ring.

Leaning back in his chair, Ianto settled in to watch Jack suffer through the morning. Switching camera feeds now and then, he followed Jack around the hub as he talked to the team, checking in with each of them individually. Ianto was pleased Jack was following his instructions. He was also pleased to see that Jack hadn’t lost his erection. He chuckled as he watched Jack sit and stand very carefully, pick up file folders to “look through” which he then just held in front of his crotch. At one point Tosh (who did indeed know) slid a rather large book on her desk and bumped Jack with it as he stood next to her. Jack jumped back about a foot, glared at Tosh, grabbed another file folder and fled to his office. Tosh looked up at the camera nearest her and gave Ianto a wink.

Ianto grinned but his hand had gone to his own cock to cover it in masculine sympathy. He clicked to the camera in Jack’s office to find the captain sitting in his chair, his head buried in his arms once again. But this time, Ianto knew Jack wasn’t brooding or sleeping. Watching Jack’s fingers quiver in frustration, he knew exactly what Jack was thinking and trying not to do. His cock twitched under his hand in sympathy. Since there weren’t any restrictions on him, Ianto took the opportunity to rub his palm over his growing erection.

He sighed and leaned back in the chair, images of Jack flitting across his mind. Jack - splayed out on the bed beneath him, flushed and panting. Jack - on his knees, worshiping Ianto’s cock. Jack - rising over him, taking him. Jack -

The bell over the door jingled.

Ianto’s eyes flew open and he stood instantly, grateful for the tall counter. A small group of women entered the Tourist Office. The tallest pushed her way through the now packed room and said in a soft twang, “If Bethany has her way we’ll be wandering for hours.”

Ianto wasn’t sure how to respond to this information so he simply said, “What can I do for you today, ma’am?”

“Where is this Millennium Center everyone keeps talking about?”

Ianto kept his face serious and replied, “Ah - it is the rather large bronze-colored building just across the Plass.”

“What’s a Plass?” she asked, confused.

“Um…it’s the…well, the plaza just outside.”

“Oh. Okay, then. Thanks.” She smiled brightly at him and turned to usher the women out the door.

Ianto drooped against the counter as soon as they had gone. He was trying to decide if he should finish himself off when the bell jingled again. He straightened and forced a smile back on his lips. It was the tall woman again.

“That one over there with the funny words on it?”

“That’s the one,” he nodded.

“Okay, well thanks.” And she was gone.

Ianto looked at his watch which read 11:30. Adjusting his trousers he decided the moment had passed. Besides, with those women wandering around the Plass, he could very well be interrupted again. And if Jack followed instruction number three, he would be having lunch very soon followed by a spectacular “dessert” and between coming in his fist and coming in Jack’s mouth there was really no contest.

Ianto could wait.


Can't wait?  Here's part 4...

redleather, fanfic, jack/ianto

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