Fic: Whatever You Need

Apr 26, 2008 22:50

Title: Whatever You Need
Rating: NC-17 (light d/s)
Spoilers: Thru 2-11 "Adrift"
Disclaimer: Jack and Ianto belong to Russell T. Davies and the Mighty Beeb. Just goofin' around!
Summary: Why did Jack keep yelling for Ianto in Adrift?
Notes: Can't get past the finale so I'm going back to happier times. Comments are like crack to me now. Seriously, I'm addicted!! :o) 
UPDATE: This now has an 8-part sequel entitled Red Leather - if you enjoy this story, you can check out the next bit here.  :)


“You left me that package, didn’t you?” Gwen asked.

Damn, Ianto thought as Jack hollered, “Ianto!”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“Ianto, what’s going on?” Gwen was angry but Ianto didn’t really care.


“Night Gwen,” Ianto said, glancing up as Jack bellowed again.

He tossed his phone onto the table. No more interruptions tonight, he thought. He was making a mess out of the coffees but it was hard to concentrate with Jack yelling for him every ten seconds. Ianto’s phone beeped again. He glanced at the display and just let it ring.

“Seriously, Gwen, you’re the cop - you figure it out. I’m not going to hand it to you on a silver bloody platter,” he muttered as he reached for that exact item and placed the mugs on its shiny surface. He headed back up to the hothouse, walking deliberately so he didn’t slosh the coffee. He grinned as he heard Jack call his name again and slowed his pace a little more.

When he finally reached the hothouse, he opened the door to Jack’s audible sigh of relief. “Thank God! You took your time!” Jack said.

Ianto set the tray on a table by the door and picked up his mug. He hitched one leg up on the tabletop and sipped his coffee while observing Jack. Ignoring Jack’s muttering, Ianto regarded him objectively, enjoying the lovely picture Jack made. He decided to start at the bottom, at Jack’s bare feet shuffling slightly, like a boxer’s, trying to release the strain on his - no, Ianto thought, do it in order.

He let his eyes meander up Jack’s legs, noting with pleasure how his powerful thighs flexed under the fabric of his trousers. Sighing deeply as he took another sip of coffee, Ianto’s gaze moved farther up his lover’s body. Jack’s flies were still open, as they had been in the hallway when Gwen confronted him. Really, the man has no shame, I swear. Above the dangling belt was the taut abdomen that Ianto loved to stroke as he fell asleep. He shuddered deliciously and raised his eyes to Jack’s smooth, firm pecs, capped with dark nipples that made Ianto’s mouth water. His gaze slid up further, enjoying the sight of Jack’s neck stretched and inviting. Jack was looking up, tugging uselessly on the cuffs that bound his arms around a pipe above his head. He lowered his chin and blue stare met blue stare - one calm, one stormy.

“Ah-HEM,” Jack cleared his throat. “You going to let me down?”

“Hmm,” Ianto pondered the question while taking a drink from his mug. “Points for asking not telling, but still not very polite.” Ianto took another sip. “No, I don’t think so.”

Jack’s gaze went from stormy to downright murderous. “You’re just going to sit there and drink your coffee then?”

Ianto smiled, “Not just that. I want to have a little chat, Jack, and since you were so obliging in the matter of the cuffs, I thought you might oblige me a little more.”

“If I had know you wanted to talk I wouldn’t have let you,” Jack growled.

“I’m fully aware of that…sir.”

Jack sighed and allowed himself to droop for a moment. “Okay, what do you want to talk about?”

“Oh, I think you know.”

Jack’s eyes flashed, “Not that again, Ianto. I’ve made my decision and it is final. Now drop it!”

Ianto stood suddenly, anger radiating from him. “Don’t give me orders in here, Jack! I’m not your tea-boy when we’re alone remember?”

Jack drew back from Ianto’s fury and looked abashed.

Ianto turned his back to Jack and tried to get himself under control. This wouldn’t work if he was angry. He set down his coffee and ran his hands over his face. When he turned back to Jack, he was pleased to see the captain was staring dejectedly at the floor.

“Not to mention,” Ianto purred, walking closer to Jack, “that you are in no position to be giving anyone orders, are you?

Jack looked up. Ianto was mere inches away from him. He swung himself forward as far as the cuffs would allow, but Ianto still hovered just out of his reach.

“Jack, Gwen isn’t going to just stop because you said no. That woman is like a terrier and you know it. Why not just tell her the truth?”

“It’s none of her business,” Jack said quietly.

“She doesn’t see it that way.”

“Knowing about it will only make her unhappy. I’m trying to protect her, protect all of you. Although I should have known better than to think I could keep anything about this place hidden from you for long,” Jack said, looking up at Ianto from under his lashes.

Ignoring the weak attempt at flattery, Ianto considered Jack. “You take too much on yourself, Jack.”

“Yeah, well, I’m the boss, right?” but Jack’s grin didn’t meet his eyes.

Ianto sighed. He reached up and gently stroked Jack’s cheek. “Not tonight.”

He held Jack’s eyes trapped in his hard blue stare, neither willing to yield. Then Jack recognized what Ianto was trying to do for him. Although he was unsure how it would play out, he thought he owed it to his lover to try. He dropped his eyes and whispered, “Yes, sir.”

Ianto shivered. Then said in a harsh voice he barely recognized as his own, “That’s better.”

It was Jack’s turn to shiver. Ianto had never been this forceful with him before. Jack found he liked it.

Ianto’s hand slipped down from Jack’s face, caressing his neck, gliding over the pecs and abs he had been admiring earlier, until he reached Jack’s trousers. They were completely undone and how they had stayed up this long, Ianto couldn’t fathom. One quick brush of his hand and they fell to the ground. He kicked them away and let his fingers drift lazily over Jack’s briefs.

Jack moaned.

Ianto quickly reached up to tweak a pert nipple, turning Jack’s moan into a yelp. “Quiet,” Ianto ordered and then dropped his hands to remove Jack’s briefs. Once Jack was completely naked, Ianto stepped back to admire him. Jack was unable to resist canting his hips forward a bit. Ianto’s appreciative smile was wiped away immediately. He strode forward to grab Jack’s chin between his fingers.

“Proud of ourselves, are we?” he whispered menacingly. “I should leave you hanging here all night.”

Ianto was doing such a good job with his role that Jack was actually worried for a moment. He didn’t think he could take Owen finding him trussed up in his hothouse the next morning. “I’m sorry -” he started to say, but Ianto twitched his hand away with a sound of disgust.

“You can’t remember one simple command?” he asked, incredulity staining his words.

Jack opened his mouth to reply, but caught himself in the nick of time. He bowed his head and said nothing.

“Better,” Ianto said grudgingly. “Now, I’m going to let you down. Do you think you can behave?”

Jack nodded, not speaking.

“Alright then, we’ll see.” Ianto’s tone made it very clear he didn’t think it was possible. He reached up and unfastened the cuffs.

Jack dropped to an undignified heap on the floor. He flexed and stretched, trying to get the blood flowing in his arms again. Ianto moved behind him immediately, massaging his neck and shoulders. Jack bit his lip to keep quiet; all he wanted to do was moan under Ianto’s talented hands. Ianto sensed when Jack started to enjoy the massage rather than need it and he stopped instantly.

“If you’re all right,” Ianto said dryly, “we can continue.”

Jack remained silent and on his knees, head bowed, glancing at Ianto from the corners of his eyes.

Ianto stepped in front of Jack. “Strip me.”

Jack schooled his face into properly submissive blankness. He stood and began to unbutton Ianto’s shirt. He took his time, enjoying the sight of Ianto’s chest as it was slowly exposed to his eyes. He risked a small caress, but Ianto smacked the back of his hand warningly. Jack pulled the shirt free of Ianto’s trousers and dropped it in plum-colored pile beside them. He knelt and began to undo Ianto's belt, but he realized that Ianto was standing very, very still. He risked a glance upwards and saw Ianto staring at him with an expression that could only be described as disgust.

Jack leaned back on his heels and looked up at Ianto, mutely asking what was wrong. Ianto’s lip curled as he said, “Is that really how you think I want my shirt treated?”

Jack shook his head slowly.

“Then take care of it properly!”

Jack practically leapt up. He shook the shirt out, brushing it with his hand before folding it neatly into sharp creases. He laid it reverently on the table next to the silver tray and returned to his knees in front of Ianto.

He was rewarded with a smile and a gentle hand brushing his hair, but all Ianto said was, “Continue.”

Jack finished unbuckling Ianto’s belt and pulled it from the loops. He coiled it neatly around his hand and stood to place it on the table next to the shirt. Another smile of approval. He knelt again and slipped off Ianto’s shoes and socks. He rolled up the socks and stuffed one in each shoe. Setting them aside, he removed Ianto’s trousers and boxers. He folded them carefully and took everything to the table and stacked them in a tidy pile. Then he returned to his knees.

Ianto walked slowly around the room, looking for something. “Now, would you say that you behaved?”

Jack wisely remained silent. He heard Ianto picking things up and then putting them back down, but he had no idea what Ianto hoped to find amongst the gardening implements. There was a sudden din in the room as Ianto dragged a metal chair across the stone floor without picking it up. The screeching stopped and Jack raised his head to see Ianto in front of him, sitting on the metal chair, tapping a large, wooden, spatula-shaped tool on his knee. Jack’s pupils dilated.

“Jack, would you say that you behaved? You may answer yes or no.”

“No,” Jack whispered, watching the spatula rise and fall, almost hypnotized.

“Would you agree that you need to be punished?”

Jack didn’t speak.

“Good boy,” Ianto murmured. “You may answer yes or no.”

“Yes,” Jack gasped.

Ianto smiled, gestured gracefully at his lap, and whispered, “Assume the position.”

Jack swallowed visibly. He got up awkwardly and paused for a moment, looking down at Ianto. For a second, Ianto thought he was going to refuse. But Jack didn’t let him down. He lowered himself across Ianto’s lap, presenting a firm, shapely ass for Ianto’s pleasure.

“Now let’s see,” Ianto said musingly. “What were your sins tonight, Jack?” He ran his hand down Jack’s back, over his ass, down his thigh and back up again, stroking Jack like a cat. “You were conceited, five licks for that. But then you’re always conceited, aren’t you Jack? So we can’t really punish you for who you are, so we’ll take away four.”

Jack smiled, his face hidden. He was going to get off easy if Ianto was this forgiving.

“Next, you were very rude to me. I think another five for that.”

Jack waited for mitigation, but apparently his yelling had really irritated Ianto and so none was forthcoming.

“Now, talking out of turn. You do that a lot. Take another five.”

Jack cringed a little.

“However,” Ianto paused, “you did learn very quickly on that point.” He patted Jack lightly on the ass. “So…good job, you can take away three strokes. What next?”

Jack was silent, earning a few more pats on the behind.

“Good boy. But I’d like you to answer this one. What did you do next that was naughty, Jack?”

Jack thought for a moment. He cleared his throat, “I dropped your shirt on the floor.”

“Ah,” Ianto said, “I dropped your shirt on the floor…what?”

“I dropped your shirt on the floor, sir.”

“That’s better. Yes, you were very naughty to do that. You know how much I like things tidy. I think another five for that. And you tried to touch me while you were taking my shirt off. Did I tell you to touch me, Jack?”

Jack shook his head vigorously, regretting it the moment he did it - the blood was starting to rush to his head from hanging across Ianto’s lap.

“That’s right. Five more.”

Jack’s smug smile was completely gone at this point, he had yielded to the game.

“But…I must admit, I did like you touching me.” Ianto bent close to press a kiss on Jack’s shoulder. “Always like you touching me, so we’ll take four strokes back.” Ianto sat back up and drew the makeshift paddle lightly across Jack’s ass. “How many strokes, Jack? You may answer.”

Jack was incredulous. He was supposed to be keeping count? “Uh…ten?” he hazarded.

Ianto sighed. “No, Jack. It was fourteen, but I think we need to add one more for not paying attention. So fifteen strokes.”

Jack braced himself against the floor with his feet and his hands. He closed his eyes and waited for the first stroke. Ianto looked down at the tense body across his lap and smiled. Had Jack been looking he would have been extremely turned on by that devious little smile. Ianto grasped the paddle in his right hand, smoothing his left down over Jack’s shoulder until it curved under to rest just above Jack’s heart. The gesture soothed Jack a little, relaxing him so that the first smack took him completely by surprise. Ianto proceeded to give Jack all fifteen of his strokes. He didn’t hit Jack hard, but the flat of the tool was quite broad so Jack’s ass turned a lovely shade of pink very quickly. Ianto was afraid he’d lost count at one point when he realized that both he and Jack had developed rather severe erections that were rubbing together in a most distracting fashion every time Ianto delivered a smack.

When he was through, Ianto dropped the paddle on the floor and stood, pulling Jack to his feet. He wrapped his arms around the captain and held his trembling body close, kissing him desperately.

“That was good, you were so good.” Ianto murmured nonsense into Jack’s ear as he caressed his back. “But we’re not done yet.”

Jack shuddered.

“I think I’d like to see you bent over that table, Jack.”

Walking a little stiffly, Jack crossed to the table with the tray and Ianto’s clothes. He slid everything to one end and bent at the waist, resting his upper body on the cool surface. Behind him, Ianto grabbed the tube he knew would be in the pocket of Jack’s trousers and joined Jack at the table.

“Do you have any idea how beautiful you look right now?” Ianto asked. Jack’s face flushed at the sudden rush of emotion in Ianto’s voice. He hadn’t felt this powerless or this protected in so long, he’d forgotten the feel of it. He heard Ianto open the lube and sighed with absolute pleasure. He felt Ianto’s hand brush softly across his burning cheeks, parting them gently. A single finger entered him, then another, curving tenderly. Ianto took his time preparing Jack. Soothing him, stretching him, placing lines of kisses across his back, until Jack was silently begging for more. Ianto spread the rest of the lube on his own aching cock and then, very slowly, entered Jack in one smooth thrust.

Jack arched his back, unable to articulate his passion, he tried to tell Ianto with his body how good he felt. Ianto set a slow, steady rhythm, taking his time. He reached forward to cup Jack’s balls, rolling them delicately in his hand. Jack was sweating with the effort to keep quiet and not come before Ianto gave him permission. They were both breathing hard when Ianto spoke again.

“Tell me why you’re angry, Jack.”

Jack was completely confused. He turned his head, looking over his shoulder at his lover. Ianto nodded and said, “Speak! Tell me why you’re so angry.”

“I…I’m not angry, Ianto,” Jack gasped out.

Ianto thrust into him again. “Yes you are. You have been ever since this mess with Gwen began.” He pulled out, almost all the way. “Tell me, Jack.”

“I’m…oh God!” Ianto had sheathed himself inside Jack again, hitting his sweet spot dead on.

“Come on, Jack, you’re not in charge anymore. You’re not responsible. Tell me.” Ianto rolled his hips, punctuating each word with a thrust. “Tell…me…Jack. Why…are…you…angry?”

“Because…” Jack was almost sobbing now, “Because…because I can’t save them!”

Ianto stilled, buried deep in Jack’s body. “I know.” He slid his hands up Jack’s back and leaned forward until he completely covered his lover. He laced his fingers through Jack’s, holding tightly. “You can’t save everyone, Jack. You have to let them go.”

Jack pressed his forehead into the table, shaking his head.

“Yes, let them go. Let it all go.” Ianto began thrusting again, reaching around to grasp Jack’s cock in his strong fingers. He stroked his hand up and down the shaft as he drove into Jack. He could hear Jack’s strangled cries but didn’t let up. He pushed Jack as far as he could. “Let it all go, Jack. Let go. Come for me,” he whispered.

With a ferocious shout, Jack exploded in Ianto’s hand. His orgasm triggered Ianto’s release and they both collapsed against the table, their harsh breathing filling the air of the hothouse. Ianto recovered first, pulling himself off of Jack with a groan. When he stood up, Jack slithered to the floor, too exhausted to hold himself up. Ianto reached for him immediately, clasping Jack to his body in a warm embrace. They sat there for a while, just breathing and holding one another. Ianto looked up to see a single tear roll down Jack’s cheek. He raised his hand to cup Jack’s face, using his thumb to wipe it away. Jack’s eyes met his.

“Thank you,” he whispered.

Ianto just smiled and nodded, raising his mouth to Jack’s for a long, languid kiss. The he said softly, “Whatever you need…sir.”

redleather, fanfic, jack/ianto

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