Fic: A Taste of Ianto

Jan 17, 2009 23:16

Title:  A Taste of Ianto

Rating:  NC-17/NSFW

Warnings:  Oh my - slash, light bondage, spanking, dom!Jack

Spoilers:  None really, vaguely set after Adam (2x5)

Disclaimer:  Torchwood and all its wonderfulness belong to Russell T. Davies and the Mighty Beeb. Just goofin' around!

Summary:  In which the boys play a little game where Jack teaches Ianto about consequences…

Notes:  Happy Birthdamas
thrace_adams!!  This fic was supposed to be a birthday prezzie for thrace (in November *blushes*) but I got bogged down with Vizzini’s Rule and real life so then it became a Christmas prezzie (*blushes more*).  Either way, it’s VERY late.  But she seems to like it so I hope you will to. Enjoy!

UPDATE: I'm very please and proud to announce that this little fic was a runner-up over at Round 2 of the Children of Time Awards.  Thanks y'all!

A Taste of Ianto

Jack’s phone rang.

“Don’t answer it,” Ianto panted.

Jack chuckled, no small feat considering his mouth was full of Ianto’s cock.

He had surprised Ianto down in the archives shortly after lunch. Ianto had been spending every day buried in his files and Jack was lonely. Things had been quiet at the Hub for a few weeks. Ianto was using the time to get caught up on his backlog in the archives - Jack was just bored. Being bored and lonely didn’t agree with Jack, so he had decided to do something about it. He’d waited until Ianto was completely absorbed in his current project and then snuck down to the archives. For a few minutes he just watched Ianto work, admiring his lover’s graceful hands as they filed and catalogued, his pert arse as he bent over to lift boxes off the floor, his strong shoulders as he lifted the boxes over his head to the top shelves. Jack sighed and rubbed his sadly neglected cock as he watched his lover.

He cleared his throat and walked into the room. “I’d bet you’d pay more attention to me if I had a label on my forehead.”

Ianto laughed. “Only if you’d fit neatly in a filing cabinet,” he teased.

“You’ve been down here for days. It’s not healthy. You need some fresh air and some exercise.”

Ianto raised an eyebrow at Jack as he leaned on the wall of filing cabinets. “I’m already lifting boxes left and right. What else would you recommend… sir?”

Jack shivered at Ianto’s tone. “Well,” he said as he sauntered over to stand right in front of Ianto. “It should be something aerobic.” He dropped a kiss on Ianto’s temple. “You know, to complement the lifting you’ve already done.”

“Aerobic, huh?” Ianto said. He rested his hands on Jack’s hips and pulled him closer.

“Yeah, need to get that heart rate up.” Jack had kissed a path down the side of Ianto’s face and was exploring his neck. “Mmmm… This seems to be doing the trick,” he whispered, his lips hovering over the pulse now pounding madly just below Ianto’s ear.

“Not sure this - ooohhh… if this qualifies as aerobic,” Ianto breathed.

Jack smiled and brought his mouth to Ianto’s, their lips brushing together. “Oh, it will,” he promised. He slanted his mouth over Ianto’s and kissed him softly. Ianto moaned and wound his arms around Jack’s waist, pulling him flush against his own body. Jack groaned when their groins made contact, his cock already achingly hard, Ianto’s just beginning to wake up. The kiss deepened as they both opened their mouths and tangled their tongues together. They kissed for long, languid minutes before the urgency overtook them and they started to battle for control.

Ianto grunted as Jack pressed forward suddenly, trapping him against the filing cabinets with the length of his body. He slid his hands slowly down Ianto’s arms until he could wrap his fingers around Ianto’s wrists. Then, even more slowly, he raised Ianto’s arms up, over his head and held them there.

“God…” Jack marveled, taking a step back to admire Ianto. “You look…” he swallowed hard.

Ianto bucked his hips slightly, brushing his now raging erection against Jack. He pretended to struggle against Jack’s hold and pouted. “Less looking, more touching,” he begged.

Jack grinned. “Oh yeah!” He stepped forward so his leg was between both of Ianto’s and rubbed his hip against Ianto’s cock, eliciting a strangled moan from the younger man. “Oh, yeah,” Jack said again as he captured Ianto’s mouth. As they kissed, Jack pulled a pair of standard issue restraints from his pocket. He smiled into the kiss as he snapped the cuff around Ianto’s left wrist and then to the handle of the filing cabinet.

Ianto gasped when the cold metal encircled his wrist. He tugged experimentally and then melted into Jack. After another long kiss, Ianto murmured, “What are you doing, Jack?”

“Just keeping you exactly where I want you,” Jack murmured back. He slid his mouth along Ianto’s jaw and down to his neck. When he reached the top of Ianto’s collar, Jack moved his hands up over Ianto’s chest and began to loosen his tie.

Ianto used his free hand to caress Jack’s back and shoulders as Jack slowly unknotted his tie, leaving the ends trailing over his chest. “Why not do both hands?” he asked curiously. Jack was usually not one for half-measures.

Jack’s eyes closed for a second as he pictured Ianto cuffed and helpless, stretched out against the cabinets, all for him. He let out a long shuddering breath and then opened his eyes again. He grinned at Ianto. “Only one set of restraints in my pocket.”

“You’re slipping in your old age,” Ianto teased.

“Bite your tongue. It’s just that I don’t have my coat on in here,” Jack explained. “Best part of that coat - lots of pockets.”

Ianto’s chuckle turned into a moan as Jack began to unbutton his crisp white dress shirt, kissing every inch of skin as he exposed it. Jack took his time, pulling the shirttails out of Ianto’s trousers as he slowly dropped to his knees. He looked up at Ianto and almost moaned aloud at the sight. Ianto had his head thrown back, resting on the filing cabinet behind him, one hand cuffed above his head, the other buried in Jack’s hair. He was slightly flushed with arousal, his shirt hanging open to frame his chest, firm pecs capped with dark nipples begging to be sucked, a light dusting of curly hair tapering down to the classic treasure trail pointing right where Jack wanted to go.

He leaned in, rubbing his face against Ianto’s groin, breathing through the dark wool of Ianto’s trousers. He felt Ianto’s hand clench in his hair and laughed quietly.

“Eager, are we?” he teased as he reached up to unbuckle Ianto’s belt.

Ianto groaned. “It’s been days,” he complained.

“Who’s fault is that? You’re the one who locked yourself down here,” Jack said.

“I was hoping someone would join me. I was just about to give up and resort to spiking your morning coffee with the aphrodisiac we found in that wreck last month.”

Jack sat back on his heels. He stilled his hands, staring up at Ianto. “You wanted me to come down here?”

Ianto nodded. He slipped his hand around to cup Jack’s cheek.

“You know, you could have asked,” Jack pointed out.

Ianto shrugged. “I was hoping you’d want me so much you’d figure it out on your own. Silly game, don’t ask me why.”

Jack grunted. “I’ll show you silly games, my boy,” he said darkly. “Make me go three days without you,” he grumbled as he returned to Ianto’s trousers. He deftly opened belt, button and zip and let the fabric slip down Ianto’s legs to pool at his feet. He slipped his thumbs into the waistband of Ianto’s boxer briefs and tugged them down as well. “Mmmm… you do want me don’t you?” he observed.

“Yes,” Ianto whispered.

Jack leaned forward and kissed Ianto’s hipbone, letting his hair brush the side of Ianto’s straining erection.

“You want my mouth on you, don’t you?”


“You want my hands on you too, don’t you?” Jack slid his palms over Ianto’s hips and around to squeeze his arse.

“Yes!” Ianto was starting to pant with frustration.

“How bad do you want me?”

“How…? God, Jack, look at me!” Ianto said. He tried to catch Jack with his free hand, but his lover just leaned back out of his reach. Ianto groaned and fell back against the cabinets, the metal from his cuffs clanking above him.

“I am looking,” Jack said. “You look good enough to eat.”

“God, then do it already, Jack. Please!”

“Oh, I do love it when you beg,” Jack chuckled. He ran his hand down the length of Ianto’s shaft and then followed the same path with his lips. He moaned as Ianto slid across his tongue. Three days was definitely too long to go without a taste of Ianto and if the sounds coming from his lover were any indication, he was in perfect agreement.

Jack leaned into Ianto, pressing him back against the wall of filing cabinets as he took him deep, using the muscles of his throat to tease and tug at Ianto’s cock. He drew back and traced his tongue along the hard length until he reached the tip where he proceeded to drive Ianto mad with the swirling and sucking he knew he loved.

“God… Jack… too long… I can’t -” Ianto broke off when Jack’s phone rang. “Don’t answer it,” he panted.

Jack chuckled around his mouthful. He continued to suck Ianto’s cock while he maneuvered his phone out of his pocket and glanced down at the display.

“Shit,” he muttered as he pulled back.

“Don’t stop!” Ianto gasped and tightened his grip in Jack’s hair.

Jack smiled apologetically and answered on the fourth ring.

“Captain Harkness here. Yes, Prime Minister. What can I do for you?”

Ianto groaned and banged his head on the cabinets behind him. He released his hold on Jack and watched as Jack got gracefully to his feet.

“Yes, of course… Right now?... Yes, yes… I understand.” Jack rolled his eyes at Ianto and mouthed the word ‘sorry’ as he stepped back.

Ianto sighed and began to stroke his cock with his free hand. It wasn’t Jack’s mouth but at this point in the proceedings he settle for what he could get.

“Yeah, I’m in the archives, sir, not the best reception,” Jack said, eyeing Ianto speculatively. “Let me put you on hold while I head upstairs.” Jack clicked a button on his phone and stepped back to Ianto in one long stride. He grabbed Ianto’s wrist, stilling his hand. “And just what do you think you’re doing?” he asked silkily.

“What does it look like?” Ianto gasped.

“Oh, no no no no no. If I have to wait, you have to wait.”


Jack smiled. “You heard me. I’m gonna go upstairs and take this call and then I’m gonna come back. I expect to find you right here, just like this, ready to pick up where we left off.”

“You’re joking,” Ianto snorted.

“Oh, I’m very serious. In fact,” Jack said as he pulled Ianto’s free hand up to meet his cuffed one. “If you’re not here, just like this, when I get back, there will be consequences.”

Ianto swallowed hard. He recognized that gleam in Jack’s eye. It frequently led to stopwatches, unexpected nudity and safe-words, not to mention some of the best sex he’d ever had in his life. He raised his chin defiantly, ready to play. “Consequences?” he scoffed. “Like what?”

Jack grabbed his chin and forced his head down. “Disappoint me, boy, and you’ll find out.” Jack kissed him hard and then walked out of the room without a backward glance.

Ianto watched him leave with an appreciative smile. Jack always swung his hips an extra bit when he was feeling cocky and Ianto was fond of the sight. “The game is afoot,” he murmured to the empty room.

He was sorely tempted to finish his wank, but knew that Jack would be able to tell. He figured escaping from his cuffs was going to be incentive enough for his Captain to get creative, there wasn’t any need to make him really mad. Plus, Jack’s mouth really was worth the wait. So Ianto took some deep breaths and thought about his new archival numbering system for a few minutes. After he’d calmed down a bit, he started to shimmy his trousers up by spreading his legs wide and wiggling the fabric up from his ankles to his calves. He figured if he could get them to his knees, he’d be able to reach them with his free hand without pulling his handcuffed arm out of the socket. It took a great stretch to do it and he’d dug a distinct red mark into his left wrist by the time he managed to snag a belt loop with his right hand, but he did it.

Crowing with triumph, Ianto tugged his trousers up over his hips and reached across his body to the left pocket where he found the key that he always carried with him - one that opened all Torchwood standard issue restraints. Jack was notorious for bringing him weevils to take to the vaults and forgetting to uncuff them. He freed his arm, swinging it around a few times to get the blood flowing again. He tidied himself up and finished the box of files he’d been working on when Jack interrupted him. He scribbled a quick note on a piece of paper and rolled it up, fastening the restraint around it for Jack to find when he came looking for him.

Still chuckling, Ianto headed back to the Hub. He went straight to the hothouse where he swept up some potting soil to look busy while keeping an eye on Jack’s office. Jack finished his call and practically ran out of his office, not sparing a glance for anyone, let alone looking up at Ianto’s hiding place.

Ianto grinned. This was going to be fun.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Jack hurried back to the archives. He’d kept the PM’s phone call as short as possible, eager to get back to his extremely overdue quality time with Ianto. He skidded through the doorway to the archive room where he’d left Ianto exactly twenty-eight minutes before, half-naked and wholly hard, handcuffed to the wall of filing cabinets, waiting patiently for his return. His clever quip died on his lips as he walked into the room.

Ianto was gone.

“What the hell?” Jack wondered out loud. Ianto had been handcuffed to the cabinets. The cuffs were still there. Jack fingered the key in his pocket. How the hell had he -

Jack’s eyes narrowed when he caught a glimpse of a piece of paper rolled up in the cuff that should have been fastened around Ianto’s wrist. He snatched at the paper with an irritated tsking sound and unrolled it. It read:

Bored now…
However, I am willing to present myself for “consequences” at your convenience like a good boy.
- I
p.s. vermillion

Jack crumpled the paper as his hand clenched involuntarily when he read the phase “good boy.” Oh, if that doesn’t give me all kinds of ideas, he thought with a lewd grin on his face. He finished the note and groaned at the sight of Ianto’s favorite safe-word. He adjusted his trousers which were suddenly feeling a little snug.

“Game on,” he muttered and went in search of his boy.

When he arrived back up at the Hub, Jack looked carefully around but saw neither hide nor hair of his wayward lover. He ambled over to Tosh and asked casually, “Seen Ianto?”

Tosh glanced up and then quickly looked back at her screen. “Not since lunch. He isn’t down in the archives?”

“Nope, just looked down there,” Jack replied.

Tosh shrugged. “Sorry,” she muttered and squinted at her screen, her fingers flying over the keyboard.

Jack recognized the signs of intense concentration and decided to stop bothering Tosh. A) she was probably working on something important and B) it just wasn’t smart to make Toshiko Sato angry. With a quiet ‘thank you,’ Jack walked away from her workstation.

A glimpse of moment up in the hothouse caught his eye.

He looked around the Hub and saw both Owen and Gwen in various states of working/dozing at their desks. Simple process of elimination meant that Ianto must be the one casting shadows in the hothouse. Jack smiled. Perfect.

As he hurried up the stairs, Jack schooled his face into an expression of profound disappointment and irritation. He slammed open the door to the warm, damp room, noting the little jump of surprise from Ianto with smug satisfaction.

“And just what,” Jack asked in menacing tones, “do you think you’re doing up here?”

Ianto waited for the door to close and allowed himself one more grin before turning around. When he faced Jack, he looked properly sulky and in need of a good scolding.

“You were gone so long,” he started plaintively. “I wanted -”

“YOU wanted? What about what I wanted? I thought I made myself pretty clear,” Jack thundered.

Ianto hung his head.

“That’s a little more like it,” Jack said grudgingly. “How do you think I felt when I got back there and you were gone?”

“I’m sorry,” Ianto whispered.

“What was that?” Jack took a few steps closer to Ianto, making the inch or so he had on Ianto feel like a foot.

Ianto sighed deeply. “I’m sorry… sir,” he breathed.

Jack’s fists clenched at his sides. God, I love this game, he thought. But this was always the hardest part. All he wanted to do was take Ianto in his arms, kiss him silly, drag him down to his quarters and make love to him all afternoon. But that wasn’t on the menu today.

“That’s better. I have half a mind to haul you back down there and chain you up for the rest of the day. Remind you who’s in charge.” Jack looked thoughtful.

Ianto looked alarmed and this time he wasn’t pretending. Jack was extremely capable of carrying out his threat and unless Ianto cried Uncle to end the game (which he really didn’t want to do) he’d have to submit. He swallowed hard and clasped his hands in front of him, looking up at Jack from under his eyelashes.

Jack closed the distance between them, standing directly in front of Ianto, but not touching him. “I should,” he murmured.

Ianto could feel Jack’s breath against his cheek.

“I should march your sorry ass right back down to the archives and cuff you properly.” Jack reached out and circled Ianto’s wrists with his hands. He pulled Ianto’s arms away from his body and stepped forward, pressing Ianto back against the stone wall of the hothouse. He swung Ianto’s arms up slowly until his hands met over his head. Jack raised him up a little higher, taking advantage of those few inches once again as he forced Ianto up on his toes. There was a wicked gleam in Jack’s eyes that made all the blood in Ianto’s body change direction and head straight for his cock.

Jack sighed, sounding deeply disappointed. “But I suppose that wouldn’t really be fair.” He nuzzled Ianto’s ear. “I didn’t take the time to do the job right which is why you were able to escape. Can’t go punishing you for my mistake, now can I?”

Ianto made a little sound somewhere between a moan and a whimper.

“That’s right,” Jack said, apparently taking the noise as agreement. “So what would be fair?” Jack mused. “You hid yourself away, wanting me but not telling me. Then you disobeyed a direct order. Ah, but first you did something else!” Jack sounded triumphant.

Ianto moaned again as Jack transferred his wrists to one hand and used the other to cup his now straining cock.

“You were going to finish without me.” Jack managed to sound angry, appalled and hurt all at the same time.

God, he’s good at this, Ianto thought. He bit back his smile and hung his head again. He couldn’t hold back another groan, however, as Jack gave his rock-hard cock a quick rub.

“Quiet!” Jack snapped.

He kept rubbing Ianto through his trousers, using the added friction of the fabric to quickly drive Ianto to the edge. Ianto stayed silent but couldn’t stop the flush from spreading up his face nor the little beads of sweat that began to form on his forehead from Jack’s ministrations coupled with his inability to make a sound. He was two, maybe three strokes from coming when Jack stopped. Ianto banged his head on the stone in frustration.

“That’s right,” Jack said softly. He kissed away a drop of sweat that was rolling down Ianto’s temple. “Get used to that feeling. I was going to send everyone home early and spend the afternoon fucking you senseless.” Jack gave him another squeeze. “But you had to go and ruin everything,” he said contemptuously.

“I’m sorry, sir,” Ianto rasped.

“You will be,” Jack promised. He stepped back and let Ianto’s arms fall to his sides. “You’re going to spend the rest of the afternoon in the Hub, working with all the rest of us. You’re also going to spend it just like that.” Jack pointed at Ianto’s crotch. “I’ll be checking on you from time to time and I expect to find you hard each and every time, understood?”

Ianto nodded.

Jack’s face softened. “Now, I know that’s going to be difficult, so let me help you. After everyone leaves - of their own accord, mind you, no trying to convince any of them to leave early or you’ll be in more trouble - after they leave, I’m going to take you down to my quarters.” Jack’s voice dropped into the shiver-inducing, lower register that Ianto liked to think of as his ‘come-fuck-me’ voice. “I’m going to strip you bare, I’m going to cuff you - properly, this time - spread-eagle across my bed.”

Ianto shuddered.

Jack stepped closer to him and said in his most caressing tones, “And then I’m going to punish you for your behavior today. And when your ass is a lovely shade of pink and you’re all hot and hard for me again, I’m going to fuck you… slowly… all… night… long.”

Ianto let out the breath he didn’t know he’d been holding.

“Kiss me,” Jack commanded.

Ianto complied, melting into Jack’s arms as he obeyed with commendable thoroughness. Jack took control, kissing Ianto with bruising force at first. Ianto clung to Jack and kissed him back with every ounce of passion he could muster. After a long moment of demonstrating his mastery, Jack eased up a bit and the kiss turned into something else. Ianto felt Jack’s hands slide up his arms and move to cradle his face gently as Jack moaned into the kiss and moved his lips to kiss Ianto’s eyelids, his forehead, his nose and finally his mouth again.

Whey they broke for air, both men sighed happily, their breaths mingling between them.

“Missed you,” Jack said quietly, the game forgotten for a moment.

“You too,” Ianto replied. He leaned his forehead against Jack’s and breathed in Jack’s heady scent, always stronger when he was aroused. “Next time I’ll come find you,” Ianto promised.

Jack chuckled. “You do that.” He kissed Ianto one last time and then pulled away. “Alright then, boy,” he said sternly. “Time to get to work. Why don’t you start by making me a fresh cup of coffee?”

Ianto smiled. “Yes, sir.”

~ * ~ * ~ * ~
All things considered, the afternoon passed pretty quickly for the men. Jack had Ianto complete several mindless tasks that were designed to keep him occupied, but not distracted from the game. He made coffee, polished the espresso machine, caught up on some filing, proofed a few reports, nothing more than busywork really. Every half-hour or so Jack would find some excuse to get Ianto alone or at least out of direct eye-line of the rest of the team to check in and make sure that Ianto was still at semi-hard and focused solely on Jack.

At one point early in the evening when Tosh was the only one left still diligently working at her computer, Ianto had to employ his safe-word. Jack had cornered him in the armory where he was cataloging some recent finds. Ianto was standing at the work surface in the center of the small room, measuring a laser rifle with a blade attachment that reminded him an awful lot of early muskets and bayonets. He was musing about the basic, unchanging nature of weaponry across the galaxy when Jack snuck up behind him and unzipped his trousers. Ianto had just enough time to drop the blade and the measuring tape before Jack’s hand found his cock.

While Jack had been checking in on him all afternoon as promised, this was the first time he’d bothered with getting under Ianto’s clothes. As he stroked Ianto’s rapidly filling cock, he murmured, “Ah, the measuring tape. Time to play with that again?”

Ianto allowed his head to fall back onto Jack’s shoulder as he swallowed hard. “No need. I have all the pertinent measurements recorded in my diary, you no doubt remember.”

“Aren’t some of those numbers are still being disputed?” Jack asked. He gently bit Ianto’s earlobe and whispered, “We could always re-measure, just for posterity.”

Ianto’s snort turned into a choked sob of pleasure as Jack ran his thumb across the tip of Ianto’s cock, spreading the precome he found there around the head.

“Vermillion,” Ianto whispered. He pressed his face into Jack’s neck and tried to think of something besides Jack’s hand on his flesh. “Vermillion!” he said again, more urgently.

Jack’s hand stilled immediately. He pulled back, scanning Ianto’s face. “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you? Did -”

“No,” Ianto gasped. “No, not that. I just…” he flushed. “I didn’t want to spoil it, I was too close.”

A slow grin spread across Jack’s face. He reached up and cupped Ianto’s cheek with his hand. Ianto felt Jack smooth his thumb over his lower lip, leaving a sticky film in its wake. Before Ianto could react, Jack had pulled him close and was devouring his mouth. Ianto shivered, realizing that he could taste himself in the kiss. He wound his arms around Jack’s waist and rubbed against him, doing a little checking of his own.

Jack raised his head and murmured, “Oh, my good boy. You deserve a special treat for that. Wait here,” he said quietly and walked out into the Hub.

Ianto watched interestedly as Jack spoke to Tosh. She looked up at Ianto and then grinned and waved. Within two minutes, Jack and Ianto were alone.

When Jack returned to the armory, Ianto demanded, “What did you tell her?”

Jack raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms over his chest, just staring at Ianto who flushed and realized what he’d done. He dropped his eyes and clasped his hands behind his back. With his head lowered he asked again, “I’m so sorry, sir. I meant, will you please tell me what you told Tosh?”

“No,” Jack grunted. “Get downstairs. I want you kneeling by my bed in under a minute, understood?” He took the stopwatch out of his pocket and pressed the button on the top.

“Yes, sir.”

Ianto hurried to Jack’s quarters and situated himself as comfortably as possible on his knees. Jack took significantly longer than a minute to join him which gave Ianto plenty of time to think about the game. He was aching for any kind of release and hoped that Jack would let him come soon. His promise of fucking him all night long seemed to indicate that he might but Ianto wasn’t counting his chickens yet. He’d just have to work harder to submit to the game. It’s not like it’s really work, he thought idly as he shifted his weight from one knee to the other. Whenever one of them took total control like this, they both enjoyed themselves immensely, otherwise they wouldn’t play. It was just hard for Ianto who kept himself so controlled to just let go and let it happen… whatever it might be. As soon as he got to the point when he stopped thinking about everything, he was fine, sometimes it just took a while.

Jack finally climbed down the ladder, slowly since he was carrying several items which he set on the small table by his bed. He turned and surveyed Ianto.

“Change of plans,” he said cryptically.

“Sir?” Ianto inquired.

“Well,” Jack said as he began to unbuckle his belt and unfasten his braces. “Keeping you hard all afternoon did a number on me too,” he admitted. His hands were now quickly unbuttoning his shirt. “What’s that saying? Whatever you do to others will come back to you three-fold? Something like that.” He took off his shirt and pulled his undershirt over his head.

“Sir?” Ianto asked again, slightly confused by Jack’s rambling and more than a little distracted by the sight of Jack’s body being revealed to him bit by bit.

“Three is a really interesting number, even on other planets. There’s just something, I don’t know… mystical about it. But really, improvisation is key. Don’t you think?” Jack asked as he bent over to remove his trousers and socks in one go, giving Ianto a superb view of his arse.

“Whatever you say, sir,” Ianto said. He felt a little dizzy trying to follow Jack’s train of thought.

Jack beamed. “Exactly!” He dropped onto the bed beside Ianto and gestured lazily at the selection of items on the table. “Which is why we’re going to postpone your punishment for a bit. I want your mouth on me, boy, and I want it now. You may choose one thing from the table and use it however you want. My gift to you for your thoughtfulness when we were in the armory.”

Ianto’s mouth went dry. He gulped and shuffled over to the table on his knees, earning another murmured, ‘good boy’ as he did.

He looked over the items on the table, trying to decide what would be best for this situation. Jack had brought down a bottle of their favorite warming cinnamon lubricant; a set of four thick silk ropes which Ianto ignored, knowing Jack would be using them on him later; a shiny black latex cat o’ nine tails; a bowl of ice; another small bottle containing Ianto’s clove-scented massage oil; a fat red candle; and a silver, bullet-shaped thermos. This last item piqued Ianto’s interest since it was so out of place amongst the other toys.

“Sir?” he asked, pointing at the thermos.

“Coffee,” Jack explained. He shrugged when Ianto raised an eyebrow. “Thought we might need a pick-me-up later on. I intend to keep you here all night.”

“Hmmm,” Ianto hummed as he looked over the selection one last time. He smiled and reached for the thermos. “Lie back,” he said softly.

Jack raised his own eyebrows but complied. He reclined on the bed, close to the edge, leaving one foot on the floor and stretching the other leg out along the length of the mattress as he leaned back on his elbows. He watched Ianto through narrowed eyes as his lover took a large drink from the thermos but didn’t swallow.

Ianto held the hot coffee in his mouth for as long as he could stand it, letting the fragrant liquid heat his mouth until his eyes began to smart. He swallowed and then quickly leaned forward to kiss Jack who moaned as Ianto’s hot tongue slid against his own.

They kissed until Ianto’s mouth began to cool, the heat slowly dissipating as their mouths moved over one another’s.

“Wow,” Jack whispered as Ianto pulled back. He brought his fingers to his lips as he stared at Ianto for a moment.

“Wow good?” Ianto asked uncertainly.

“Oh yeah,” Jack breathed. “I always love kissing you after you’ve had a cup of coffee, but that was… more.”

Ianto smiled. “Just wait,” he said silkily. He took another drink from the thermos and set it carefully on the floor where Jack couldn’t knock it over. He raised himself up on his knees and leaned over Jack’s chest. Once again, he held the coffee in his mouth as long as he could before swallowing. The instant his mouth was empty, he fastened it around Jack’s nipple, sucking the sensitive flesh into his wet warmth as he brushed his tongue in delicate circles around it.

Jack gave a wordless cry and fell back, his hands coming up to bury themselves in Ianto’s hair, holding him in place. Ianto grinned and proceeded to suck, lick and nip at Jack’s nipple until his lover was completely incoherent. Then he took another drink and gave its twin the same treatment. Once his mouth had returned to its normal temperature, Ianto licked and kissed his way up over Jack’s chest, along his neck and over his jaw to recapture his mouth. Jack’s hands tightened in his hair again, holding him still as they kissed again, sacrificing technique in favor of just getting as deep and as close to each other as possible.

“Wow,” Jack repeated, letting his head loll back on his pillow. Ianto slung his arm across Jack’s chest and rested his chin on his fist, shifting slightly on his knees.

“How much leeway do I have, sir?” Ianto asked politely.

“God, keep doing that coffee thing and you can do whatever you want!”

Ianto smiled. “Just for the record, then, I have permission to make you come?”

Jack lifted his head to glare at Ianto. “Permission? You have my fucking blessing! God, are you gonna…” He trailed off, imagining Ianto’s superheated mouth wrapped around his cock.

“Oh yeah,” Ianto said and put his promise into practice.

He took another drink of the coffee and screwed the lid on tight. Don’t want it to go cold, he thought as he set the thermos back on the floor by the bed. He held Jack’s eyes with his as he rearranged his lover on the bed a bit, pulling him to the side of the bed and spreading his legs wide along the edge of the mattress. There were tears in Ianto’s eyes by the time he swallowed, but any amount of discomfort he’d felt was instantly washed away by the groan of pleasure that escaped Jack when Ianto’s hot mouth encompassed his cock.

Jack took a few deep breaths through his nose and focused on the cracks in his ceiling for a bit, trying desperately not to come just from that first touch. It was difficult to hold back. Ianto’s mouth, already a clever and wicked thing, had been amplified, magnified by the heat from the coffee. Jack felt like an incubus or some other lust-addled demonic lover was sucking his cock. In very short time, embarrassingly short if Captain Jack Harkness was the sort who could be embarrassed by anything, Jack was fisting the sheets beneath him, arching his back and thrusting into Ianto’s mouth with reckless abandon.

Ianto just relaxed his throat and took him down, sliding Jack’s cock over his heated tongue, sucking and swirling and generally worshipping Jack until he exploded with a choked cry that seem to emanate from his toes. Ianto pressed Jack’s hips gently back into the mattress and rode out his orgasm, drinking him down greedily as Jack pulsed in his mouth. When Jack lay still beneath his hands, sated for the moment, Ianto crawled up his body to reclaim his mouth. They kissed lazily as Jack came down, until he found himself capable of thought and coherent speech once again.

“Mmmm,” he hummed happily. “My new favorite flavor,” he murmured.

“What’s that?” Ianto asked as he slid his lips up Jack’s cheekbone.

“A taste of Ianto with a hint of coffee and a hint of me.”

Ianto chuckled and snuggled up to Jack, resting his head on his shoulder.

“You are wearing far too many clothes,” Jack observed.

“I wasn’t told to take them off yet,” Ianto retorted and then added in a docile tone, “Sir.”

Jack groaned. He rolled up on his side and threw his arms around Ianto, holding him close. “I’m not sure I have the energy to spank you properly,” he yawned.

“Well, you did mention improvising,” Ianto pointed out. “We could always nap now and play later.”

“That,” Jack said with a smacking kiss. “Is a great idea. But first, up.”

Ianto stood up and stood still as Jack proceeded to strip him bare, just as he’d said he would. He took his time, kissing his way across naked skin as it was revealed, inch by inch, pausing to tickle and pinch at sensitive spots. Ianto had three fresh love-bites by the time Jack was done, one on his collarbone, one just below his right nipple and one on the inside of his thigh. Both men were panting with desire, hard and ready by the time Ianto was finally naked.

Jack pulled Ianto into his arms and groaned. “Okay, maybe a very short nap,” he teased as he cupped Ianto’s arse and rubbed their groins together, kissing him softly.

“Good plan!” Ianto was breathless when Jack finally released him.

They fell into bed and pulled the covers up. After a few moments of situating themselves in Jack’s small bed, they both fell fast asleep.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Ianto was having the strangest dream.

He was walking through a jungle, dressed, for reasons he didn’t quite comprehend, like Indiana Jones. He reached up to push his way past a dense growth of vines and found a machete in his hand. Shrugging, he employed it to hack through the vines. The vines didn’t seem to care for this treatment and attacked, twining around his wrists and slithering up his arms until he was trapped. Then they started on his legs. Soon he was unable to move at all, but just before he could start to panic, he heard Jack’s voice in his ear.

“Wake up… boy.”

Ianto shivered at the tone, remembered the game, and opened his eyes.

“Jack,” he mumbled. He heard an odd swishing sound and then yelped in surprise twice in quick succession - the first time when Jack’s cat o’ nine tails smacked across his arse and the second time when he tried to protect said body part from further assault and realized that the silk ropes were now holding him securely to Jack’s bed.

“Is that any way to address your Captain?” Jack said smoothly. “Especially after I’ve gone to so much trouble for you?”

Ianto raised his head and looked around. The room was quite dim, the only light coming from the red candle on the bedside table and the faint glow from Jack’s office above them. The table itself had been cleared of all the toys except the cinnamon lube and the cat, which Jack had set down after his wake-up-thwack.

“No, sir. I’m sorry, sir,” Ianto said quickly. He rubbed his face on the sheet and looked up again. “If I may, sir, how long was I asleep?”

Jack chuckled. “Long enough for the ice to melt.” He crouched by the head of the bed and smoothed Ianto’s hair back from his face. “Are you my boy?” he asked quietly.

Ianto flushed and nodded.

“Do you want to be my good boy?”

Ianto nodded again.

“You weren’t a good boy this afternoon, were you?”

“No, sir,” Ianto whispered.

“We need to give you something to think about the next time you get bored, don’t we?”

Ianto gulped.

“Alright, then,” Jack said in dark, smooth tones. “Whip or hand?” he asked.

“H-hand, please,” Ianto whispered.

“Very well.” Jack stood up and Ianto felt the bed dip as Jack joined him. The ropes around his ankles loosened for a moment and then he felt a sharp tap on his arse. “Up!” Jack commanded.

Ianto obligingly raised himself to his knees as Jack situated Ianto across his lap and retied the ropes with a little slack. Ianto felt a warm hand on his shoulder and then Jack asked in his normal voice, “Okay?”

Ianto nodded and answered with his usual, “Yes” that got the game underway.

The first smack took Ianto by surprise. He’d been concentrating on the delicious way his cock was rubbing against Jack’s and hadn’t been paying attention to anything else. After that, the blows fell hot and heavy. Jack was an expert at covering every inch of Ianto’s arse so no one spot took all the abuse. Although Ianto loved the whip, and he did love the whip, he was even getting more proficient at applying it, still, nothing compared to Jack’s hand on his arse. Ianto relaxed into the ropes, into Jack’s hand and let his mind go blissfully blank, his entire being focused only on the next smack.

“You love this, don’t you?” Jack asked. “You love putting yourself in my hands, at my mercy.”

Ianto moaned his response, pressing his pelvis down, his erection meeting Jack’s by way of an answer.

“Oh yeah,” Jack groaned, the blows faltering as he thrust up into Ianto. “Soon, boy, soon, I promise. First, we need to get you ready.” Jack finished the spanking with a particularly spectacular smack that seemed to echo through the tiny room. “Up!” Jack ordered again.

Ianto pulled himself to his knees the best he could as Jack pulled himself out from under Ianto and moved between his spread legs. Jack lowered his head and nuzzled his face against Ianto’s flaming arse.

They both moaned at the sensation and Jack couldn’t hold himself back. He palmed Ianto’s heated cheeks and spread them gently.

When Jack didn’t continue right away, Ianto felt his face begin to flush until he knew it was as bright pink as his arse. He moaned uncomfortably under the scrutiny until Jack chuckled and relented, muttering something about rude 21st Century hang-ups. He slid his hands towards Ianto’s center, stroking the entrance to his body with his thumbs, loving the way Ianto began to quake beneath him at just that gentle touch. Soon, Jack leaned forward and added his tongue to the mix, alternating the strokes with his thumbs with soft, wet licks.

Ianto began to tremble. He could feel the flush in his face and his arse begin to spread to the rest of his body until he felt like he was on fire. Jack slid his hands slowly to Ianto’s hips, holding him steady as he increased the pressure of his tongue, tracing circles around the tight muscle and gradually working his way inside until he had his face buried in Ianto’s cleft, his tongue stiffened to a point. He fucked Ianto with his tongue, loving the noises that were pouring from his lover, loving the dark, musky taste of him, loving the way the tight ring of muscle relaxed under his attention, welcoming him in.

“Need you!” The words sounded torn from Ianto’s throat.

Jack chuckled against Ianto’s arse and continued rimming him as he reached around to grasp his cock. It was rock hard and positively dripping with precome. Jack smoothed the fluid over Ianto’s shaft, giving him a few firm strokes as he reluctantly raised his head. He nipped at the sensitive skin on Ianto’s buttock, drawing a yelp from the younger man.

“You’re damn pushy for someone who just got spanked, you know that?” Jack asked as he reached for the bottle of lubricant.

Ianto mumbled something incoherent into the mattress and then moaned loudly as Jack breeched him with first one, then two fingers, bumping the little bundle of nerves inside until Ianto was begging for him.

“God, you’re beautiful, Ianto. Hot and ready for me, spread out across my bed, heaven.” Jack slicked up his own cock and nudged at Ianto’s entrance.

Ianto gripped the ropes that bound his wrists for leverage and pushed back as far as he could, drawing Jack inside him. They both groaned as Jack thrust in slowly until he was fully seated. He could feel the heat pouring off Ianto’s skin, radiating into him, warming him to the core as no other lover had done. Jack gripped Ianto’s hips tight, holding him up, stretching him as far as he could go and then he began to move.

Jack groaned as he thrust in and out of Ianto’s willing body, driving them both to the edge more quickly than he’d intended. He savored the tantalizing picture Ianto made, arse in the air, full of Jack’s cock, head down, arms spread wide, the black silk of the rope a stark contrast to his pale skin. And then suddenly Jack was through playing games. He stilled his thrusts, stopping buried deep in his lover. Before Ianto could ask what was wrong, Jack had leaned forward and pulled the tails of the ropes, releasing Ianto’s wrists and then reached back to untie his feet as well.

“What -” Ianto started to ask, but Jack interrupted him by withdrawing, flipping him to his back, and stopping his questions with a kiss.

Ianto wound his arms around Jack’s neck, opening eagerly to his probing tongue. Without breaking the kiss, Jack pulled Ianto’s legs around his waist and slid inside him again. Ianto gasped into Jack’s mouth and then drew his knees up a little, tilting his hips to give Jack better access. Jack moaned into the kiss and drove hard into Ianto, snaking his hand between them to grasp Ianto’s cock.

“God, Jack! So… so close… don’t -”

Jack gripped Ianto’s cock without stroking. He shook his damp hair out of his eyes and looked down at Ianto. “With me?”

“Yeah, yes… try,” Ianto gasped.

Jack thrust deep and true, gliding over Ianto’s prostate with each stroke. He felt Ianto’s cock swell that last little bit in his hand and squeezed gently. That was all Ianto needed. He bowed off the bed, arching into Jack as came, heat splashing over Jack’s hand. He felt Jack drive into him one more time before his clenching muscles drew Jack’s orgasm from him, his hips stuttering against Ianto as he filled him, calling his name.

There was a long breathless moment where neither of them could move, the aftershocks of their shared climax rolling through each of them. Then Jack shuddered and collapsed onto Ianto’s chest, still hard and inside him. Ianto stretched his legs out along either side of Jack’s body and wrapped his arms around his lover and held him tight.

Jack finally roused himself enough to pull out of Ianto and move up a little in Ianto’s embrace. Resting his head on Ianto’s shoulder, Jack sighed deeply, utterly content. He felt Ianto’s lips place a line of kisses across his forehead and smiled.

“How’s your ass?” Jack asked, trailing a hand lazily down Ianto’s side to his hip.

“Fine, still smarts a little. How’s your hand?” Ianto asked. He pulled Jack’s hand to his mouth and softly kissed the reddened palm.

“Mmm, better now,” Jack sighed.

“So what’s next… sir?” Ianto said with a quiet laugh.

“First off, no more ‘sir’ tonight. Second, um… shower?”

“Sounds good,” Ianto agreed. “And then coffee.”

Jack hummed again. “Mmm, coffee sounds good. And then back to bed.”

“Tired, Jack?” Ianto teased.

Jack’s blue eyes twinkled at him. “Not at all, Ianto. Not at all.”

~ * ~ finis ~ * ~

oneshot, fanfic, jack/ianto

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