Fic: Vizzini's Rule (105/105) COMPLETE

Jan 08, 2009 19:28

Title:  Vizzini's Rule, Chapter 105

Rating:  Hard R

Warnings:  Slight sexual content, nothing graphic

Spoilers:  Season One thru End of Days (1x13)

Disclaimer:  Torchwood and all its wonderfulness belong to Russell T. Davies and the Mighty Beeb.  Just goofin' around!  All ©’s to Chris Chibnall for dialogue and situations borrowed from End of Days - no infringement, only worship intended.

Summary:  In which we arrive at the end of Season One and Vizzini’s Rule…

Notes:  Darn, that’s the end!  I just want to say THANK YOU to all you lovely readers - your comments and willingness to stick with this story really touches me.  Huge, massive thanks as always to my magnificent beta
thrace_adams - she’s the reason I had the nerve to start posting this in the first place.  ***hugs***  Hope to see ya’ll at the sequel!  :o)

Previous Chapters

Vizzini's Rule: Chapter One Hundred and Five

Ianto concentrated on the cables in his hand. He and Tosh were repairing the mobile containment units while Owen was fetching another crate of tools from storage and Gwen was… waiting. Ianto found that if he could work on something complicated, something that took all his brainpower, things didn’t hurt as much. Of course, when he was through, the memories and the pain came crashing back but he was getting used to it.

Four days, he thought as he reached for the wire snips. Four days and I’ve survived so far. He bit his lip and cursed at himself for the slip while he stripped the end of the wire. Focus, damn you!

Suddenly, Tosh set down the containment unit she was working on with a little cry and ran across the Hub. Ianto glanced up, expecting to see Owen struggling with a large box or something.

What he actually saw took his breath away.


He blinked several times.


He watched Tosh throw herself into his arms and watched Jack respond by hugging her warmly.


Ianto got unsteadily to his feet and straightened his suit. He followed Tosh’s path slowly, waiting for the moment when one of the others would jolt him from his daydream. But it didn’t happen and there was Jack, walking towards him, pale and exhausted but with a smile on his face. Suddenly unsure of himself, of the situation, of Jack’s forgiveness, of a hundred different things, Ianto extended a hand tentatively to Jack.

Jack rolled his eyes.

He reached out and pulled Ianto close, his strong arms wrapping around Ianto’s back as Ianto buried his face in Jack’s neck. He clung to his Captain, tears filling his eyes for what felt like the thousandth time in the last week.

“Jack,” he whispered brokenly as he breathed deep the scent of his lover, felt his heart beat, his chest expand as he drew breath once again.

Jack didn’t reply with words, he simply tightened the embrace and sighed happily, his breath brushing across Ianto’s cheek, drawing a small, quiet sob from Ianto. He felt Jack’s arms loosen and clung tightly, not wanting to let go. But then Jack’s hands were cupping his head, sliding down to capture his chin, holding him in place for Jack’s kiss.

Jack’s kiss…

They’d fought, they’d argued and betrayed and hurt one another, but when Jack’s lips touched Ianto’s, none of it mattered anymore. Time stopped and Ianto forgot to breathe. He gripped fistfuls of Jack’s shirt for balance as the room spun for one glorious moment.

Then the spell was broken. Ianto heard something heavy hit the floor behind him and felt Jack break the kiss, glancing over Ianto’s shoulder. Owen, Ianto thought and pulled himself reluctantly from Jack’s arms.

Jack gave him a small smile, and then stepped past him, brushing his hand across Ianto’s torso and down his arm as if loath to lose contact as well.

Ianto slipped his hands in his pockets and turned to watch Jack greet the instigator of their mutiny. They were all guilty, but Ianto knew that Owen carried the weight of their betrayal more heavily than even he himself did. Ianto smiled through tears as Jack forgave Owen and then comforted him when the dam opened and Owen collapsed against Jack, sobbing out his contrition.

The next hour was both strange and wonderful. They all took a seat in Jack’s office, Jack behind his desk again where he belongs, Ianto thought as he swallowed the ever-present lump in his throat. They discussed the visions they had all had, the reasons they’d been given to open the rift. Jack winced visibly when Ianto was telling his tale, clenching his hands together on the desk as he listened. Ianto wanted to reach across the desk and take his hand, but was afraid of what the others might think. Jack had kissed him in front of everyone, and Ianto thrilled to the memory of both the kiss and of Jack outing them, as it were, but he wasn’t sure what that meant for them yet.

There were apologies all around: each member of the team adding their regret to Owen’s and Jack himself apologized for not looking deeper into the situation and bringing Bilis’s plan to light before it was too late. They spent some time discussing Bilis and what needed to be done about him. There was universal agreement that he was too dangerous and powerful to be left alone. Tosh had been working on the unique trace he left on the rift monitoring program between bouts of cleaning up the Hub. She generously included Ianto’s theories in her report, earning him another smile from Jack. Ianto blushed faintly and dismissed his assistance, insisting that Tosh was doing all the real work.

“Well, it sounds like we’re on the right track anyway,” Jack said. “Ianto, any chance of a cup of your coffee? I could really use one after… everything.”

Ianto flushed again. “I’m sorry, sir, I would have offered earlier, but the machine is broken.”

“Broken?!” Jack exclaimed. He dropped his head dramatically into his hands and groaned. “Kill me now.”

There was a moment of stunned silence and then a titter of nervous laughter from the team.

Jack raised his head with a rueful smile on his face. “Too soon? Sorry. Just trying to get past it.” He stood up and pointed at Ianto. “Take me to the machine, Ianto. Let me see if there’s anything I can do before I resign myself to Starbucks.” He walked out from behind his desk, hampered a bit by Gwen’s seat choice. She had perched herself on the corner of his desk, placing herself firmly on “Jack’s side” of the conversation as if her part in the betrayal had been mitigated by her belief in his return. Ianto had noticed of course, but other than a subtle shared eye-roll with Tosh, he hadn’t commented.

Gwen tried to follow, but Jack shooed her back into the office and accompanied Ianto to the coffee maker alone.

“I really don’t know if there’s anything you can do, sir,” Ianto said as he ran a caressing hand down the side of the machine.

“I’m sure there’s not,” Jack said quietly. “I just wanted to get you alone for a minute.”

Ianto glanced up at Jack, clearly startled. “You did?” he asked in a small voice.

“Oh God, Ianto, c’mere,” Jack groaned. He pulled Ianto against him and they both sighed as they slipped their arms around each other once again. Jack rested his cheek on Ianto’s hair and just held him for a long, quiet moment. Ianto closed his eyes and listened to Jack’s heart beat.

“I thought I’d lost you,” Ianto finally whispered.

“Never,” Jack said fiercely. “I told you a long time ago, I’ll always come back.”

“I remember, but I didn’t know you meant from the dead.”

Jack sighed. “I’ve almost told you so many times, but…”

“What stopped you?”

“That particular conversation never goes well. In fact, it generally ends in someone trying to have me committed or throwing something heavy at my head.”

Ianto gave a watery chuckle. “And you thought I’d do the same?”

Jack pulled back a little and tipped Ianto’s face up. “Not really. But I was afraid it would be too much for you and I just didn’t want to risk losing you.”

“Never,” Ianto whispered and leaned forward to press his lips against Jack’s. Their first kiss had been almost chaste, a tentative greeting in the presence of others. This time Ianto melted into Jack, opening to him, pouring into the kiss all the longing he’d felt since Jack let go of his arm in the street to go face Abaddon. Jack kissed him back, matching his intensity, lips and tongues speaking volumes.

When they finally broke for oxygen, Ianto felt Jack’s hand cup his cheek and his thumb brush away tears Ianto didn’t realize he’d shed.

“Oh, Ianto -” Jack began, but Ianto interrupted him.

“I’m sorry, Jack, I’m so very sorry. I never should have -”

“Stop it,” Jack said firmly. “You apologized, I apologized, it’s done, okay?”

Biting his lip, Ianto nodded slowly.

“Besides,” Jack continued. “I think I still owe you an apology for something else, don’t I? We we’re going to talk about last night and we never got a chance.”

“Last night?” Ianto asked, completely lost.

“Uh… sorry, time gets a little confusing when you’re mostly dead all day.” Jack winked.

Ianto groaned, “I never should have shown you that movie. What are you talking about?”

“The night before Abaddon, you left in the middle of the night. You were upset and we we’re going to talk. But we never got a chance.”

Ianto suddenly remembered - the real Captain Jack, the roof, the feeling that he was nothing, it all seemed so far away now.

“It’s not important,” Ianto said.

Jack raised an eyebrow. “It seemed important at the time.”

Ianto shrugged and kissed Jack again. Jack moaned and tightened his arms, holding Ianto close as their mouths explored each other. Ianto felt his cock begin to fill and felt an answering response from Jack who slid his hands down to Ianto’s arse and pulled him even closer. When they broke the kiss this time, they were both panting.

“Nice try,” Jack puffed. “But it won’t work.”

“Work?” Ianto asked innocently.

“Tonight we talk,” he said sternly. “I know I hurt you again, Ianto, and I’m sorry. I want to make it right.”

“Jack, there’s nothing -” Ianto broke off as Jack put a finger over his lips.

“Tonight we talk,” he repeated.

Ianto smiled behind Jack’s finger and nodded. “Okay,” he whispered. Jack pulled his hand away and shivered. “Cold, sir?” Ianto asked solicitously.

Nodding, Jack said, “Yeah, this was a rough one. Usually I bounce back better.” He shivered again.

“Your coat is in your office,” Ianto said.

Jack gave him a quick kiss and then stepped back. “Thanks, Ianto. Now about that cup of coffee…”

Laughing, Ianto started down the stairs. “I’ll make a quick run to Starbucks, sir.”

“Hey, do me a favor,” Jack said as he followed. “Take the rest of the team with you?” he asked in a quiet voice. “I could use a moment to myself.”

“Of course, sir, whatever you need.”

They walked back to the office where Jack announced that the coffee machine was officially broken. He suggested that they all go with Ianto and get some coffee. Tosh picked up on Jack’s tone right away and pulled Owen along with her. Gwen, however, refused to budge.

“You know what I like, don’t you, pet?” she said to Ianto in her most condescending tone. “I’ll stay here and keep Jack company.”

Jack rolled his eyes pleadingly at Ianto, who bravely tried again.

“Come on, Gwen. It’ll be good for you to get out of here.”

But she shook her head and crossed her legs, bumping into the coral Jack had growing on his desk.

He grimaced and caught the little stand before it fell. As he set it to rights, he glanced at Ianto and gave a minute shrug. Ianto smiled sympathetically, recognizing defeat. He followed Owen and Tosh to the lift and hummed happily to himself as they rode to the surface. Tosh gave him a few sharp glances, but didn’t say anything. Ianto was sure she was dying to ask him about the kiss but was worried about spilling any secrets in front of Owen. He decided to take pity on her since Owen already knew the truth anyway.

“Yes, Tosh,” he said without turning around. “It’s Jack.”

Before she could answer, Owen huffed, “Wait a minute, you knew he was shagging Jack?”

“No, I just knew he was seeing someone,” Tosh said defensively.

“But you knew it was a bloke?”

“Well… yes, I did. Unlike you, Owen, I actually talk to people not just at them.”

“You never told me he was gay!”

“I’m not -” Ianto started to say but Owen interrupted.

“Yeah, yeah, bisexual, whatever. If you’re shagging Jack you’re sure as hell not straight.”

“Why would anyone tell you something like that?” Tosh asked Owen. “You’d just be nasty about it.”

“I would not,” Owen said, clearly affronted.

Tosh and Ianto both laughed out loud as the doors slid open. Owen followed them out, still grumbling.

“Well, okay, I might have ribbed him a bit for a while, but come on! He’s shagging the boss!”

Ianto turned and looked down at Owen. “It’s not like that,” he said with all the dignity he could muster.

Owen’s gaze wavered and then fell.

Tosh took Ianto’s arm and led him towards the Starbucks. “Of course it’s not,” she said comfortingly, turning around for a second to look daggers at Owen. “Anyone could see that from the way he kissed you when he woke up. If you need a reminder, Owen, I can pull it up on the CCTV when we get back.”

Owen groaned as Ianto laughed.

“Wait a minute,” Tosh said. “The CCTV cameras have been going down a lot over the last several months. Was that you two?”

Ianto blushed and nodded.

“Oh bloody hell,” Owen exclaimed. “You haven’t done it on my desk, have you?”

Ianto pulled open the door to the coffee shop for Tosh and held it for Owen as well. As the doctor walked by, Ianto whispered evilly, “You’ll never know.”

To Ianto’s relief, Tosh and Owen dropped the subject of his sex life and moved on to other topics once they were inside. He watched them bicker amiably as they discussed exactly what went into the perfect cup of coffee and smiled. Things are going to be just fine now that Jack is back, he thought happily.

His cheerful spirits lasted exactly twelve minutes - the length of time it took to order the coffees and walk back to the Hub. The minute the door rolled back, Ianto knew something was wrong.

“Did you see Jack on your way in?” Gwen asked, sounding completely confused.

“No,” Tosh replied.

Ianto looked around, noting the papers all over the floor again, wondering what had happened.

“I thought we’d tidied up in here,” Owen complained. He glanced over a Gwen who still looked confused. “What’s the matter?”

“Um…” Gwen turned around and looked towards the center of the Hub. “He was just here…”

Ianto glanced over at Jack’s office, towards the med bay, everywhere. Gwen was right, Jack wasn’t in the Hub unless he was hiding.

“Something’s taken him, Jack’s gone,” Gwen said.

Ianto took a few steps forward and then stopped. Gwen’s words seem to echo in his head. Jack’s gone… He felt the despair he’d just thrown off settle around him once again. Jack’s gone…

Jack’s gone.
~ * ~ finis ~ * ~

UPDATE: My Ianto-Centric world continues in To the Pain. Hope you come back to see what happens between Seasons One and Two!

vizzini'srule, fanfic, jack/ianto

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