Second Dance. Third Glance. (crossover fic, 1/1, Firefly/Torchwood)

Mar 24, 2008 07:02

A follow-up, three years later in my time and River's, to Cover Stories, which I wrote for the Defabricathon over at fic_orphanage. This story will make less sense if you don't read that first, but it's not absolutely necessary, and the tone is very different. Thanks to honorh for the beta, the Horsechicks, and airawyn and grimorie for reading and liking, and Boiled in Lead for ( Read more... )

crossover, fanfic, torchwood, fic, firefly

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Comments 26

havocthecat March 24 2008, 14:22:33 UTC
OMG, you sequelled? YAY, I LOVE YOU! *runs off to read*

*runs back*

Thursday night? Farscape and phone call? Or maybe this coming weekend instead?


butterflykiki March 24 2008, 14:30:31 UTC

And yes, Thursday good! ALthough this weekend is also open too.

*bounces* It's so cool to finally write the sequel after two and and a half years....


havocthecat March 24 2008, 14:33:57 UTC
So try for Thursday, and then Saturday if Thursday gets to be too crazed, maybe? Because, yes, I must re-watch Farscape in its entirety.

Also, I really love this story. And hate you completely for your facility with words and imagery. You write such an awesome River voice for your POV (without making her have a Dru voice, which is hard for some people), and your Jack is a little broken too, but without letting the breaks incapacitate him, or remove his essential humanity (which he does seem to be worried about, though), and God, this story is so damn good. Seriously. I hate you. Lots. (Stop laughing at me!)


butterflykiki March 24 2008, 14:38:40 UTC
Sounds like a good plan, yaaays. We going to start with Season 4, or should I go rent Season 1 from Blockbuster?

*giggling* Ahem. *is trying not to giggle at you, but it is difficult*

*claps hands that you picked up on the Jack changes and his chief worry, though, yay!*


neonhummingbird March 24 2008, 16:38:04 UTC
Well, I'm mad at myself that I didn't have time to beta this, but I'm honestly not sure I could have added anything to it! This is great, very jack and River -- surreal as hell, but you can see Jack and River grounding in each other and it's just really cool! Love the flow of it, and the way you wover jack into River and Mal's backstory. Just really cool!


butterflykiki March 24 2008, 16:47:55 UTC
First: *loves on icon and laughs lots*

Second: *g* Thank youuu! I couldn't wait any longer, you know me. But am glad it works and doesn't need fixing! And yes, exactly, grounding in each other! *does dance of yay-the-reader-gets-it-whee!*

*bounces more*


voleuse March 24 2008, 16:52:03 UTC
Oh, this is beautiful. I love the back and forth of it.


butterflykiki March 24 2008, 17:08:34 UTC
Yay! Gracias! And whew. I tried to keep it balanced between the two of them, and am so very relieved it worked out.

*bounces around* All Mondays should start with fic.


bluehedgehog March 24 2008, 17:51:00 UTC


butterflykiki March 24 2008, 18:06:45 UTC
*gleees* And coming from you? Even more of a compliment!

*loves River, as always*


raincitygirl March 24 2008, 17:57:02 UTC
Oh. Wow. This is pretty much the most awesome crossover I could've imagined (but didn't, until you wrote it).


butterflykiki March 24 2008, 18:13:16 UTC
*gleeeeeeee* Thank you! I had a lot of fun with this, as well as the prequel. Jack is just such a trip to try and figure out, and I love how River's brain works (and doesn't). So glad it worked for you too.


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