Second Dance. Third Glance. (crossover fic, 1/1, Firefly/Torchwood)

Mar 24, 2008 07:02

A follow-up, three years later in my time and River's, to Cover Stories, which I wrote for the Defabricathon over at fic_orphanage. This story will make less sense if you don't read that first, but it's not absolutely necessary, and the tone is very different. Thanks to honorh for the beta, the Horsechicks, and airawyn and grimorie for reading and liking, and Boiled in Lead for ( Read more... )

crossover, fanfic, torchwood, fic, firefly

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havocthecat March 24 2008, 14:22:33 UTC
OMG, you sequelled? YAY, I LOVE YOU! *runs off to read*

*runs back*

Thursday night? Farscape and phone call? Or maybe this coming weekend instead?


butterflykiki March 24 2008, 14:30:31 UTC

And yes, Thursday good! ALthough this weekend is also open too.

*bounces* It's so cool to finally write the sequel after two and and a half years....


havocthecat March 24 2008, 14:33:57 UTC
So try for Thursday, and then Saturday if Thursday gets to be too crazed, maybe? Because, yes, I must re-watch Farscape in its entirety.

Also, I really love this story. And hate you completely for your facility with words and imagery. You write such an awesome River voice for your POV (without making her have a Dru voice, which is hard for some people), and your Jack is a little broken too, but without letting the breaks incapacitate him, or remove his essential humanity (which he does seem to be worried about, though), and God, this story is so damn good. Seriously. I hate you. Lots. (Stop laughing at me!)


butterflykiki March 24 2008, 14:38:40 UTC
Sounds like a good plan, yaaays. We going to start with Season 4, or should I go rent Season 1 from Blockbuster?

*giggling* Ahem. *is trying not to giggle at you, but it is difficult*

*claps hands that you picked up on the Jack changes and his chief worry, though, yay!*


havocthecat March 24 2008, 14:51:02 UTC
I would kind of like to start with season one, because my tv-watching was so irregular for a while that I've never seen the entire series in order. If renting it isn't too much trouble, that is.

BTW, I recced you here. Because I hate you just that much for your fic-writing skills. ;)

Oh, Jack. The stuff that makes him interesting to me is all of what's buried beneath the facade that he shows to people. *pets him*


butterflykiki March 24 2008, 14:57:51 UTC
Nah, should be fine, I might even have the pilot laying around somewhere, and if I don't, renting is no trouble.

*bounces and squees for rec!*
*tries to join community and can not, woes*
*burble and stuff*

Oh, Jack. The stuff that makes him interesting to me is all of what's buried beneath the facade that he shows to people. *pets him*

It's such a *good* facade, though. Did you see last week's Torchwood yet? *flails at wonderfulness of that Out of Gas -type ep.*


havocthecat March 24 2008, 15:17:34 UTC
Cool. Than season one it is! *cheers*

Sorry! horsechicks is kind of dead, so I started posting all my fic and recs there instead. Plus given that I wrote, um, 80 or so fics last year? I figured I wanted one central place for posting, you know?

I didn't! I'm so far behind on Torchwood and Doctor Who. Partly that's because I keep getting obsessed with obscure Canadian and Australian TV shows.


butterflykiki March 24 2008, 15:20:45 UTC

It is a bit, although we posted links there and stuff to our latest stories. I need to post a whole slew of recs, or at least a link to the page that I've got now, with the bookmarks and mini-recs.

Aww, but at least you have stuff to look forward to, and Dr. Who comes back in mmm, 3 weeks? We've got the S2 finale to Torchwood in 2 weeks. Gah! *is on pins & needles there*


havocthecat March 24 2008, 15:28:18 UTC
Okay, what's your account? Is it butterflykiki still? I'm on there as havocthecat, shockingly, so I should be easy to find.

I should really post a link to my fic page there, but then again, I need to post a bunch of my fics and update my fic page, and I'm thinking about picking up a domain again to archive my fics at. Too much to do to properly organize and archive and back-up, and never enough time.

I do have stuff to look forward to, admittedly. Part of it is that Mr. Havoc is definitively an old school Who fan, so getting him to watch the new stuff is sometimes tough. And I don't really want to sit down and watch it by my lonesome, so I'm actually behind by most of the Martha stuff in Who, and only partway through s1 of Torchwood. (I'd call wiliqueen, but she's irked by TW for the same reason that I enjoy it: They're all flawed characters who fuck up a lot. I love that they're flawed heroes and almost-heroes. So possibly this is not a show she and I should watch together.)


butterflykiki March 24 2008, 15:31:28 UTC
Yup yup! I have about 60 links there, have at 'em.

I need to update the *heck* out of the Chaos Horizon-- a bunch of links got lost in there, somewhere, and of course it's got the wrong e-mail addy on there too.

And yeah, Torchwood is like that... though at least in Season 2, they're making them more likeable as they screw up, and also letting them learn from their dumb mistakes. I forgive a lot for that.

Tell Mr. Havoc that he is missing Daleks, darnit. *pouts at him *


havocthecat March 24 2008, 16:21:15 UTC
Yay! I have about *mumble* links in there, thus testifying to the fact that I have a scary amount of fanfic recs bookmarked.

You really, really do. I was trying to rec EA and it wasn't there! So I went to Heliopolis. (Did Dee ever finalize the Horsechick fic archive? I know she put it up, but I don't know if she ever finalized it.)

I think Mr. Havoc is a little tired of Daleks, actually, since apparently RTD is very big on bringing the Daleks and the Cybermen out whenever he needs an antagonist. Or something like that.


butterflykiki March 24 2008, 16:34:45 UTC
*snickers at you* I really, really need to rec the ones I've got...

*winces* And yes, Dee did, and that's a good place for me to put up stuff. Easier to update. Although I do love my little page; I just need to have better links. Le sigh.

I think Mr. Havoc is a little tired of Daleks, actually, since apparently RTD is very big on bringing the Daleks and the Cybermen out whenever he needs an antagonist. Or something like that.

Ahhh. Well, not untrue. Especially given how dead they're supposed to be. I like them probably because I haven't seen 5 versions of them die before, or know the backstory being retconned *again* from anything other than wikipedia. Which Doctor did he start watching? (Me, it was 5 & 7, and later 4, so my tastes are little atypical.)


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