Mar 19, 2020 22:12
Seems like panic has taken over the world and is showing us once more how selfish we can be
Aug 12, 2018 19:38
I am a month away from a drastic change in my life. I can’t wait but at the same time I feel terrified
Feb 14, 2018 07:26
Why does July seem so close and so far at the same time?
Dec 23, 2017 00:51
Only a bit over a week of this year left!
It has been a great year but I am sure next is gonna be even better
Jul 19, 2017 16:37
This amazing feeling you get when you are in the place you are supposed to be at
Dec 24, 2016 06:44
Merry Christmas to everybody! I hope this is a wonderful time filled with love and joy
Aug 23, 2016 12:19
I wonder how my life is gonna be a year from today
Dec 09, 2015 07:00
The best time of the year has officially started!!
Oct 26, 2015 11:53
Perder una oportunidad por exceso de confianza es increiblemente frustrante. Sin emabargo, es aún más frustrante el darse cuenta que no se ha aprendido la lección. Me pregunto, qué necsito que pase para finalmente reaccionar?
Apr 11, 2015 09:18
Después de mi primera semana puedo decir que la diferencia es inmensa!!