Title: White Rabbits
Chapter: 15/?
Author: Diana Michelle (
Warnings: Spoilers for Revenge of the Sith.
Pairing: Eventual Anakin/Obi-Wan.
Rating: PG/PG-13-ish.
Summary: Anakin isn't jealous. He just doesn't want other people touching his things.
Disclaimer: Not Lucas, don't own a thing, not making any money.
Chapter Index(
Chapter Fifteen -- Harmony and Certainty )
Comments 17
Obi-Wan has seen to the heart of the trouble.
Anakin, on the other hand, is trying to monopolize everyone who seems connected to him. Creepy, but not surprising. I bet he'll be shocked when he realizes how Luke just won't play that game.
I love that both of them aren't quite sure of what to make of Luke. He's very different from the Jedi they're used to. And they don't know where Luke's handles are.
Anakin, on the other hand, is trying to monopolize everyone who seems connected to him. Creepy, but not surprising. I bet he'll be shocked when he realizes how Luke just won't play that game.
Anakin is definitely a possessive little thing.
I love that both of them aren't quite sure of what to make of Luke. He's very different from the Jedi they're used to. And they don't know where Luke's handles are.
He really is different from the old style of Jedi. Something new.
Was very amused about the "as if he chopped off a limb" simile, which was Wrong Of Me.
Ah, that dark side inducing possessive streak of Anakin's. And the plot thickens. I'm really curious now about the first conversation between Luke and Anakin without anyone else present.
Anakin's possessiveness is bound to get him into trouble someday.
*nods wisely*
But yes, it's definitely not one of his better traits.
Was very amused about the "as if he chopped off a limb" simile, which was Wrong Of Me.
Hee. Thanks.
Anakin just wanted to keep it that way.
There wasn't anything wrong with that
No, nothing wrong with that, nothing at all. And if you believe that I have a nice little gas mine for sale on Bespin.
I can't wait to see what happens next.
No, nothing wrong with that, nothing at all. And if you believe that I have a nice little gas mine for sale on Bespin.
Hee. Yes, Anakin is as good at tricking himself as anyone else.
The Luke probe, Obi-Wan's insight, Anakin's possessiveness (which I don't actually like, but is completely in character). Yes.
Anakin's possessiveness is bound to bite him on the ass at some point, I'm sure.
Obi-Wan was his Master.
Anakin just wanted to keep it that way.
There wasn't anything wrong with that.
Right... you just keep telling yourself that Anakin.
I love that Obi-Wan is so calm in this part.
Everyone else was in the same place, near the cockpit and with high tempers, but Obi-Wan had managed to find a place as far from them as possible.
I'm anxious to find out what has everyone else in high tempers. Most likely arguing about Anakin/Darth Vader but honestly it could be just about anything.
Also... is Anakin going to reset C3P0 anytime soon, it should be very interesting when he does.
More soon?
Right... you just keep telling yourself that Anakin.
Oh, I am certain that he will.
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