Title: sunsets were never so bright (and the skies never so blue) Characters: Jenny, Nate Rating/Word Count: PG/1,376 One-Line Excerpt: The journey was exciting and full of surprises but happy endings were dreadfully dull.
Yes, Little J discovered fairytales-late, admittedly, and perhaps by acting as the villain, but she found them and she switched through the roles: heroine, damsel, villain, helper...perhaps even the wise one too, once or twice.
Very interesting. I was a bit...eh, Jenny..LATE with fairy tales, but I see it. I get where you're going. And she really does play every role. Nice catch.
Oh, awkward ending. But of course she would go for the kiss. (Who wouldn't when you have a mistletoe excuse, especially with Nate?)
Thank you for taking the time to review. I thought she did to, which is why I find her a really interesting character to write if you explore her. And who wouldn't kiss Nate? =]
Comments 2
Yes, Little J discovered fairytales-late, admittedly, and perhaps by acting as the villain, but she found them and she switched through the roles: heroine, damsel, villain, helper...perhaps even the wise one too, once or twice.
Very interesting. I was a bit...eh, Jenny..LATE with fairy tales, but I see it. I get where you're going. And she really does play every role. Nice catch.
Oh, awkward ending. But of course she would go for the kiss. (Who wouldn't when you have a mistletoe excuse, especially with Nate?)
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