Title: there's three versions of this story (mine, yours and the truth) Characters: Lily, William, (Rufus) Rating/Word Count: PG-13/1,365 One-Line Excerpt: Every husband cheats on their wife, and every wife repays the favour.
Title: all your dreams got lost or traded Characters: Jenny, (Serena), (Nate) Rating/Word Count: PG/1,721 One-Line Excerpt: A peasant can't overthrow Serena van der Woodsen, but why can't another queen?
Title: and the wishing never ends Characters: Serena, (Dan) Rating/Word Count: G/1,322 One-Line Excerpt: It takes a while to return to reality and though she's on a high, she thinks of the secrets she keeps and lets her mood darken.
Title: for one moment Characters: Serena, Chuck Rating/Word Count: PG-13/1,148 One-Line Excerpt: The quiet meetings, abundance of scotch, sharing of darkest thoughts and deepest secrets.
Title: sunsets were never so bright (and the skies never so blue) Characters: Jenny, Nate Rating/Word Count: PG/1,376 One-Line Excerpt: The journey was exciting and full of surprises but happy endings were dreadfully dull.