Title: Like a Moth to a Flame Characters: Blair/Serena Rating/Word Count: R/2,170 One-Line Excerpt: Serena takes things that aren't hers. It's what she's always done.
Thank you for commenting. This is about 400 million miles outside my comfort zone, and I battled against even posting it. I don't even know where it came from!
"Oh, my god. You matched your bra to your skirt?" She laughs hard and looks at Blair's face. Her cheeks are a little pink. "You're too cute, Blair. You need to be less cute."
This moment is so adorable. ♥ I love it. The way this whole thing comes about is just wonderful. Terrific work, thank youu! :]
Thank you so much! I was so nervous to write/post this. But this picture wouldn't leave me alone until I did something with it. I'm so glad you liked it. :)
ah, dammit. You just HAD to have that last quote. Because now you actually have to have a next time. I won't leave you alone until it happens.
No one can resist the Serena van der Woodsen appeal. Especially not Blair. Love it. I love that S's pining over Nate. (But I can't actually believe he's not interested..it's Nate. lol)
Comments 6
Although, I do believe that my favorite part was---
"I stood Chuck up. It's a good thing he didn't come looking for me."
"We'll invite him next time."
That at least, very much too the imagination, when it comes to those kind of things.
I'm glad you liked the ending! :)
This moment is so adorable. ♥ I love it. The way this whole thing comes about is just wonderful. Terrific work, thank youu! :]
No one can resist the Serena van der Woodsen appeal. Especially not Blair. Love it. I love that S's pining over Nate. (But I can't actually believe he's not interested..it's Nate. lol)
I think that no matter what, Blair and Serena love each other best.
And I know. It hurt my heart to write Nate not-exactly-interested in Serena. It just doesn't feel right!
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