Now we're halfway through Act Two...

Jun 04, 2010 12:50

Took parentals to New Wimbledon Theatre to see Spamalot for dad's birthday pressie. (added plug for quite a decent, reasonably priced Italian - Casa Nostra opposite the theatre)

SCORE. They laughed themselves stupid.
It's all a matter of weight ratios )

theatre, writing, tv in general, musicals

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Comments 5

be_themoon June 4 2010, 12:02:30 UTC
re: T:SCC - omg, I know, what is UP with that? stupid networks.


burntcopper June 4 2010, 12:04:59 UTC
It was all ratings. essentially, by the end of the tiny S1, it started with massive ratings that gradually faded. Ratings just...plummeted during S2. (and this was without any weird scheduling decisions) Add onto that the fact that Terminator 4 had got going at the film studios. So you can understand Fox's decision.


be_themoon June 4 2010, 16:47:51 UTC
*sigh* I know that it makes all sorts of financial sense and etc., but it's still really annoying.


bedlamsbard June 5 2010, 18:53:59 UTC
Oh, gods, the parent reactions! ...I have them (I think), they're just not typed up and finished, although since I do appear to be swinging back around into Narnia again, we might go somewhere with that.

Man, I haven't thought about those in a while.

There's a really good post-finale novel-length T:SCC fic that's gorgeous and plotty and beautiful and ties up a lot of the plot threads that the show was unable to -- Out on the Wire. (My only complaint are that the action scenes aren't as good as they could be, but I'm pretty used to that at this point.) But oh, man, John's competence. (I have a total competence kink.)


thedoingofit June 6 2010, 17:50:14 UTC
I was one of the people who came here via a recommendation on my flist and I'm so glad that I did - your fic was so lovely and thoughtful and subtle and GUH. ANYWAYS. :o) I hope you don't mind that I'm adding you so I can stay on top of any future fic... :o)


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