
Mar 05, 2010 22:56

Wallet got nicked on the tube this morning. had been praying to the FSM that it'd just fallen out of my bag at home, but a thorough ransacking of the house yielded no wallet ( Read more... )

smite!, music, ads: john barrowman

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Comments 4

peterjevans March 5 2010, 23:58:18 UTC
Oh, that really is bloody awful luck… I’m so sorry to hear that. Bad enough that some (insert expletive of choice here) makes off with your property, but then you, already inconvenienced, have to jump through a succession of hoops to get all the cards and such sorted out... How is that fair? Eh? Eh?

Consider virtual hugs available free and gratis, if required.


burntcopper March 6 2010, 00:54:36 UTC
oh, my fave? after getting off the phone with the police (who are nice and helpful and doing their job), i went 'arrrgh, can't remember what I need to get money out of bank sans card' and rang the helpline.
'Please enter sort code. Please enter account number. Please enter date of birth. Please enter first number of security code. Please enter third number of sort code. Please press 3 for 'other'. Please press 3 to speak to human being. We're sorry, these are not our working hours, call back in the morning, byeeeeeee!'

Dear banks : I feel entitled to act out the 'Give me my money!' scene from Mary Poppins, and it's only the first day.


peterjevans March 6 2010, 01:00:49 UTC
Yeah, that’s not the ‘We are going to Help’ line, but the ‘We are going to make you scream ‘HELP!’ line…


grondfic March 6 2010, 07:24:46 UTC
Sorry to hear about the theft - hope the interim no-cards thing isn't too traumatic.


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