
Mar 05, 2010 22:56

Wallet got nicked on the tube this morning. had been praying to the FSM that it'd just fallen out of my bag at home, but a thorough ransacking of the house yielded no wallet.

So, reported to police for crime report number, stopped cards, phoning the DVLA tomorrow (not 24 hours like banks - one irish, one indian, one american for those). But yeah, week without cards. BUGGER. Trekking to the bank for money is not going to be fun. I just hope the credit cards arrive within a couple of days like last time; I hold no hope for my switch card. Oh, and I owe Jenny at work a fiver for lunch money today.

Got a follow up call to say that it'd been transferred to the British Transport police, so called them back after dinner, and boy are they thorough. Full description of self, contents of wallet, place on the train (cctv records), and got victim support number given to me. 'Er, what for?' 'Well, I've heard that not having any money to go out on the weekend is very traumatic.' (he was also doing the 'how come it only takes a couple of days for them to give you a new card but takes a week for them to replace a stolen one?' grumble - clearly a man who's been through it)

New Barrowman album = good. But the man is a FREAK. 10s? That's the type of 'bloody hell, how long are they holding it for?' time. You occasionally hear performers go up to 17s when they're really taking the piss. Heard Barrowman do it before, and he does it on 'One Night Only' on this album. However, 'I Won't Send Roses' - 25s. HOW? No, seriously, HOW? Please tell me they had some machinery that did that during recording.

smite!, music, ads: john barrowman

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