But it's Cuuuuuuuute!

Dec 12, 2008 01:38

my parents are amongst those weirdoes in the population who do not find Adipose adorable and were going 'get it away from me!' when I wandered in with mine tucked under my arm ( Read more... )

when teh cute attacks, conventions

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Comments 5

fahrenheit_f430 December 12 2008, 09:04:46 UTC
My parental unit ran upstairs after the ep aired and went "*squeal* OMG YOU HAVE TO SEE THESE, THEY'RE SO CUTE!!! CUTEST ALIENS EVER!!" then ran back down stairs.

The thought there are people immune to The Adorable didn't occur to me. O.o


cynicalcylon December 12 2008, 10:24:13 UTC
I actually pouted when you got the last 2 on display, only to be informed that they had 1 more 'in the back'.

On the way home on monday, I had Simon, his new girlie & her sprog (2 year old) for company on the underground.
Joey was a teeny bit wingey, but when I handed him FB, he shut right up & hugged it very close to himself.
We were all very happy that the only place I could fit it was in my personal bag & not my backpack.

I currently sleep with my FatBaby :D

PS. I've come to the conclusion that your parents are weird (mostly in a good way) anyway, so not totally surprised, just disappointed ;)


sbp December 12 2008, 10:48:49 UTC
Get it away from me!

Sorry, I don't find it cute. You can find it cute all you want though.


burntcopper December 12 2008, 13:31:14 UTC
all the more adipose toys for us. mwhahahaha.


mrmrsmith December 13 2008, 16:38:58 UTC
Actually I'm not that impressed by them - after all they're not made with body fat.


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