But it's Cuuuuuuuute!

Dec 12, 2008 01:38

my parents are amongst those weirdoes in the population who do not find Adipose adorable and were going 'get it away from me!' when I wandered in with mine tucked under my arm.

And did not look kindly on my comment about installing a catflap.

Con? me and one of the other photo ops girls wandered into the dealer's room when they'd just finished setting up during a break (never get accidentally enslaved by photo ops) and they had them. And then commented innocently that they had limited supplies. See us look at each other and then zip next door and back to get our wallets. Spent weekend looking smug when people were wailign about the dealer's room being sold out and trying to get it back off Luke.

(Luke and Rihanna - next generation of the con scene - about 8 or 10, we estimate.)

Seriously. Luke kept nicking it during the photo queues. Saturday, whilst waiting for guests, Luke nicks it, I give chase, with added 'Luke, I am not bending down in this skirt!'. Had to sic Rihanna on him to get it back. Sunday, I'm doing coats, which is busy busy. Look up from a busy period to see Luke and Rihanna having their photo taken... and Tahmoh is holding the Adipose.

when teh cute attacks, conventions

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