
Apr 17, 2008 13:45

... the cough is back. SHITE. Here's to an indefinite period of pain and wheezing. More wheezing than coughing so far ( Read more... )

tv: dr who, owwww

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Comments 4

derryderrydown April 17 2008, 13:24:38 UTC
And don't have Rusty because he mumbles so badly that I can't make out a word.

Why the fuck don't they subtitle the commentaries? It drives me crazy.


burntcopper April 17 2008, 16:27:04 UTC
on the QAF one he's fine. mind you, I listen to commentaries as mp3s.


dcsunset44 April 17 2008, 20:09:32 UTC
It's been far too long since I watched Empty Child, I think I may have to do that now :)

Is your cough allergy related? My ex-hubby got bronchitis every spring for years before we finally figured out it was caused by tree pollen and London pollution.


burntcopper April 17 2008, 22:26:59 UTC
:sigh: I wish i could blame it on allergies, but I don;t have any. It's humidity related. Basically, the less moisture in the air, the worse my lungs cope (put me in the sahara and I'm dead) - born in rainforest country, lived fifteen minutes from the Thames most of my life in a very green area, the only place my lungs have never had trouble was uni, where I lived in a tiny seaside town and London is... fucking awful. Add on top of that moving to the dry, hot side of the office with added air conditioning and fans going constantly and I'm screwed. I spend most of the winter coughing up phlegm. And it doesn't help that I normally have very healthy, ridiculously powerful high capacity but very sensitive lungs. This equals a lot of pain and the danger of tearing things in my ribs during coughing fits. Went through the rigmarole of doctors' appointments and chest x-rays this winter to see if there was any other cause, but it's just lack of moisture


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