
Apr 17, 2008 13:45

... the cough is back. SHITE. Here's to an indefinite period of pain and wheezing. More wheezing than coughing so far.

Oh, and just had a disturbing moment - was listening to a commentary and realised that someone I fancy has exactly the same speech patterns as one of the actors (and his character), just with a different accent.

Fidding with my necklace that the bro gave me for xmas. Polished carbon. Which we both snicker a lot over because I'm essentially wearing a lump of coal. (we're the children of a geophysicist. just be glad we're not taking the piss out of seismic diagrams. our minds have already been warped enough to the point of Dilbert.)

Finally got round to listening to the commentaries on Blink, and the Human Nature eps. Confirmed two rules for me about Dr Who commentaries. Well, actually, three, but we'll get to that later.

a) Julie Gardner should never be allowed anywhere near the commentaries. Damp. Squib.
b) When in doubt, always have the writer + at least one of the techs. Far funnier and maximises the Who geekery.

c)...I'm never going to find a commentary better than the ones for Empty Child and Doctor Dances, am I? :sigh: damn you, Stephen Moffat and Barrowman. You spoiled me for all other commentaries because they don't have quotes like 'for those of you who tuned into this to hear a discussion about furniture, you're in for a real treat' 'Which websites are those, John' 'My next story, Dr who and the Golden Pavilions' 'Quite why the Chula built in this ability to operate old remingtons' 'And this would besmirch the complete irrelevancy of this scene' 'They may have been stuntmen, they could have just been some inexpensive welsh people' 'For those of you who don't know, that's actor speak for concussing a prop assistant one night'

Those are just some of the choice Moffatt ones. If I start on the Barrowman ones as well, I'll be here all night...

tv: dr who, owwww

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