
Apr 16, 2008 23:53

uploaded a bunch of new icons, deleted some including my old userpic of TARDIS Goddess!Rose, and then realised... I have no Jenny Sparks icons. none whatsoever. Which is probably a crime against... I dunno, that whole thing that says you must have many many pics and icons of the person you feel (and half of your friends seem to - at least the comics reading end) is *you*.

Plenty of Starbuck. Plenty of Six. Plenty of Saffron. Plenty of Jack. A good few Guinevere (who I went with for new default). Several Chaucer/Bettany. But no Jenny. (I utterly deny all accusations of ...similar characteristics in the people I have the most icons of. Blonde? English? Snark as default? Somewhat manipulative? Shush.) THIS IS WRONG.

:muses: maybe I should beg the flist, considering I'm somewhat crap with graphics.

In other news, clearly a weekend away decreases my tolerance for office heat + air conditioning + fans - had to go outside for fifteen minutes before my eyeballs stopped feeling hot and gritty today.

me, owwww, icons

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