panto, blood and recs

Nov 27, 2007 14:02

word count achieved. I rule. Now I just have to keep it up until friday. and, er, figure out a detailed *plot*

samphirette, I'm pretty sure the sixth ticket is yours - need to figure out arrangements. Will you be meeting us in Brum or what? Need to book hotel space ( Read more... )

theatre, nanowrimo, tv: torchwood, captain jack, recs

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Comments 7

derryderrydown November 27 2007, 14:24:39 UTC
I left a comment saying I'd love to go to the panto but you never replied to it. Is there any chance the extra ticket's for me?


samphirette November 27 2007, 15:30:04 UTC
If for any reason you weren't included in the tickets H has, then I'm happy to forfeit as I could do with saving some money in the next few months.


burntcopper November 28 2007, 13:35:22 UTC
was originally for Sam (you replied about a week after I'd bought the tickets, sadly, and they were going *fast*) but if you want it's yours. £25.50, row O, stalls, saturday the 12th.


derryderrydown November 29 2007, 17:04:49 UTC
Yep, I want!


derryderrydown November 27 2007, 14:30:00 UTC
Also, blood donor won't even do the fingerprick test on my blood. I get as far as, "I have ME-" and I'm kicked out the door.


samphirette November 27 2007, 15:21:20 UTC
Ah, yes this sounds familiar. I was looking through my old texts the other day and was going to ask if you were a random number that mentioned the 12th Jan.

Can you email me with the what/where and when. I hadn't thought about hotel costs (in all honesty I'd also assumed it was London and was going to train there and back :o). Unless someone needs a roomie, I might be able to squidge a stay with local friends in Brum.


burntcopper November 27 2007, 21:50:54 UTC
hippodrome, 12th jan, (a saturday), 7:15. and argh, what's your number? 07971 555 571


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