panto, blood and recs

Nov 27, 2007 14:02

word count achieved. I rule. Now I just have to keep it up until friday. and, er, figure out a detailed *plot*

samphirette, I'm pretty sure the sixth ticket is yours - need to figure out arrangements. Will you be meeting us in Brum or what? Need to book hotel space.

oh, and of course, a gap looks like it's finally appearing schedule (or at least nano's out of the way), so I can figure out when I can give blood. Couldn't give for ages due to tattoo, have been getting several begging letters... and now I'm starting to get a cold. Which disqualifies me until it's cleared up. JOY.

(for those who don't know, Blood donor services will kick you out if you're even vaguely sniffling. This is along with having visited the dentist or hygienist in the past 24 hours, low iron levels, you name it. The fact that I have to tick the 'ever lived in a malarial country' box probably means that they only use a tiny bit of my blood as it is. Possibly just the plasma. Who knows.)

bethynyc wrote De-Lovely fic! She wrote De-Lovely fic with Jack and Cole that is during the slow path years and it is actually *good* and EEEEEEEEEEEEEE! (thinking about it, and yes, I've written it as personal canon that it happens during the slow path years - 1931 or '32, to be specific, to fit around Astaire filming 'Flying Down to Rio', considering Jack-the-actor's age/shyness/poutiness, I'm thinking it's probably more likely it happened during his time agent/two missing years period. I doubt Jack would've spent long enough on a con that would be plausible to cover the time needed to establish yourself as a reliable leading musical actor, not to mention the amount fo time you'd be expected to commit to a run, *and* then there's the affair with Cole Porter - the movie makes a point of establishing Jack-the-actor as *definitely* not one of his fly-by-nights.)

theatre, nanowrimo, tv: torchwood, captain jack, recs

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