And Caesarion? Is he welcome?

Mar 30, 2007 14:21

to do :

john lewis for trimmings stuff.

easter eggs. I may have left it a tad late for the dark chocolate ones this year. whoops.

post as much fic as possible to darkisrising so it gets used the other 11 months of the year ( Read more... )

tv: dr who, tv in general, tv: rome, ads: john barrowman, squee!

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Comments 11

olympia_m March 30 2007, 14:47:09 UTC
did you also see David Tennant on Graham Norton's show last night?? *huge grin*

That bit where Blair into the Doctor was pure genius! (and a bit scary *g*) Oh, yes, and the Cybermen. 'Stop' *bats hand away* - bwahahahaaa!!!


burntcopper March 30 2007, 15:28:40 UTC
:pout: teh flatmate had pre-booked the tv from 10pm onwards for the new Irvine Welsh adaptation. Which apparently was fabulous, and from the bit of the end I caught, definitely funny. will have to wait for the downloads...

Was rather amused that he had to tell the cybermen to stop quite a few times...


olympia_m March 30 2007, 16:48:31 UTC
Ah - I didn't see that (but I don't watch much tv). It was just that DT was so handsome at the show yesterday (you do have to watch it *g*)

LOL - Yes. What were their names? Oscar and something? LOL. The threeway of love, was it? LOL


alysscarlet March 30 2007, 16:16:14 UTC
Haha! Your fandoms are my fandoms, as ever. :-)

I've got all but one of the Rome eps downloaded but am finding it hard to find the time to watch them so I'm only up to ep 2. It's killing me!

Such a good telly weekend, starting tonight. Can't wait!

I assume you've heard that Ray is to be in Indy 4 as Indy's sidekick...

Which icon to use? Ray or John or David T or Kevin McKidd/Ray Stevenson?


burntcopper March 30 2007, 22:11:00 UTC
Darling, there's this thing known as taste.

Oooooo? No, did not hear this. Bad me for not going anywhere near Empire website in ages.

Kevin/Ray. Because Pullo and Vorenus are hard bastards supreme.


alysscarlet March 30 2007, 22:16:25 UTC
Kevin/Ray GIP, in your honour. :-)


blue_monday March 30 2007, 18:58:01 UTC
Heh, you're not the only one spotting Jack. Steve and I were watching it (um, several times) and me going "watch that bit again, ooh, yes, that's Jack!"

I didn't see Dead Ringers, will have to hunt for it. I did watch Wedding Belles though, which was fab.


juleskicks March 30 2007, 20:32:10 UTC
Hey, you -- you've seen the sea otter video currently making the lj rounds, right?


burntcopper March 30 2007, 21:57:46 UTC


juleskicks March 31 2007, 01:47:57 UTC

One here, and more from the same pair here. TOO ADORABLE FOR WORDS.

Also, I suspect you will get a kick out of this, but mostly, THE OTTERS.


burntcopper April 2 2007, 10:10:21 UTC
I have always suspected sea otters of having world domination plans, (they're evil little bastards, as any aquariam keeper will tell you) scrambling our brains by the sheer force of TEH CUTE. One of my mates had a beanie baby sea otter. See every single person in shop have fight over who got to snuggle it next.


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