And Caesarion? Is he welcome?

Mar 30, 2007 14:21

to do :

john lewis for trimmings stuff.

easter eggs. I may have left it a tad late for the dark chocolate ones this year. whoops.

post as much fic as possible to darkisrising so it gets used the other 11 months of the year....

Rome finally finished dl'ing last night. Oh, CAST. Octavian. :thud: You cold-blooded bastard. :pats Mark Antony: Cleopatra? So nice to see you doing the civil, pleasant regal thing. The face-off between her and Octavian is a thing of beauty. Livia. Octavia! Atia! :hugs Vorenus: In conclusion : PULLO.

(no, really. for those of you on my flist waiting for it to be on terrestrial, every episode of series 2, no matter what else is happening, each ep is also about how awesome Titus Pullo is.)

Tonight, the tv is MINE. Dr Who Weakest Link. John Barrowman on Charlotte Church. (things that will happen : Cardiff jokes, him taking the piss out of her for being welsh, her taking the piss out of him for not being able to pronounce Welsh names, gay jokes, pregnancy jokes, and ... oh yeah. singing.)

New Dr Who trailer on youtube. And once again, heather's geekiness has been proven. There's a shot of two figures running down a corridor; cue me going 'oh look, John!' jamjar informs me that this is far sadder than being able to recognise Ray Winstone by the back of his neck, because Ray Winstone has far more cool points. :bites nails nervously: It needs to be 7pm saturday *now*.

Oh, and if anyone saw Dead Ringers, there's nothing quite as freaky as seeing Blair regenerate into David Tennant. Also : Captain Jack in bed with cybermen, in the security camera hotel room sketch they do - getting the reactions of the hotel staff. The girl's expression was to die for. Especially when he started singing. And my god Dead Ringers is evil. The images of Albert Steptoe (also proven to be immortal because he just won't die, the inconsiderate sod) in Torchwood. Oh dear god. it's far, far too plausible. Jack would spend his time snickering with Albert, Ianto would spend his time twitching due to the amount of tea he was having to make, Tosh and Gwen would just try not to say anything, and Owen would be sulking because someone can actually leer better than he can.

tv: dr who, tv in general, tv: rome, ads: john barrowman, squee!

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