cold toeses and Mr. Tumnus

Feb 08, 2007 13:28

Never again will I mock people who walk through the snow with a brolly. By the end of my walk to work (I had considered getting the bus due to running a bit late, but seeing buses sailing past full and the queues at the bus stop...) My hair was soaked. Bleh ( Read more... )

snow!, tv in general, tv: rome, ads: john barrowman, squee!, musicals

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Comments 2

randomeliza February 8 2007, 14:33:37 UTC
Oh my GOD, I love New Octavian. It makes me feel so much less skeevy about my desire to write Antony/Octavian hatesex. Because, come on. How hot would that be?

Also, I am in love with Agrippa. I love historical Agrippa, so it makes me happy that Rome's Agrippa is just as loveable and awesome. (Though strangely in love with Octavia. Which considering she ends up marrying Antony, at least historically, kind of sucks for Agrippa.)

I am very very jealous of your snow. We have none here. *sigh*


burntcopper February 8 2007, 17:56:32 UTC
show! Agrippa is indeed awesome. We *like* lads who on discovering that the girl is going 'er, what' to confessions of love, says 'um, sorry, let's just pretend I never said that.'

<-- has massive, massive issues about that kind of situation.

But oh my. Considering Antony and Octavian have to form an accord, and there's all that bit where he has to convince him to marry Octavia (mummy dearest will *not* be happy when that comes up)... go on, show, write more Antony slamming Octavian up against the wall and having his way with him, you know you want to. Or at least Octavian goading him into it.

I'm also pondering how they're going to deal with all of Octavia's kids. There's the three from her first marriage, Antony's passel of... er... I think it's four pre-Octavia, the ones she has with Antony, *then* she gets saddled with his and Cleopatra's twins when they commit suicide. Bring it on, show.


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