cold toeses and Mr. Tumnus

Feb 08, 2007 13:28

Never again will I mock people who walk through the snow with a brolly. By the end of my walk to work (I had considered getting the bus due to running a bit late, but seeing buses sailing past full and the queues at the bus stop...) My hair was soaked. Bleh.

I was cosy due to the huge coat of ultimate swankiness, and had fun mocking the people who think trainers are sufficient wear for four inches of snow/slush on the ground. Boots with grippy souls or at the very least a heel are your friends.


You may have guessed that I have a five year old's attitude to snow. Even when I'm fucking freezing and tired, I still have it. I have gone *jogging* in the snow before and was ridiculously bouncy even as the cold air was painful on my lungs.

What was amusing? Amy Winehouse's 'Back in Black' album is fucking perfect for drying out and drinking coffee whilst getting you through the first bit of the morning.

Am appreciating teh Barrowman's performance on Sunset Boulevard. (as usual, the highly illegal mp3 recorded in someone's lap version) Looked at it on amazon for tracklisting and reviews and kind of... undecided. Because I'm aware that John's take is pretty different from the original - the reviews of his performance were 'my god, it's Joe Gillis as a brat'. Anyone listened to the original cast recording and got any opinions?

Oh, and completely unexpected headlines for those familiar with scans_daily, teh_no is attacking monkeycrackmary for stepping on his ego and not keeping in the little narrow boundaries he feels she should stay in. also, she shouldn't write porn involving Robins.

Watched 3x20 of SGA. Where I squeed far too much over Chuck's appearances - I have such a new appreciation for that man since Peg 2. We shall hug him and squeeze him and call him George.

Rome? New Octavian. Okay, not such a cold emotionless little bastard as Max Pirkis, but this one is still a manipulative bastard - only filtered through what I refer to as the Paul Bettany Chaucer type. Constantly mildly amused, manipulative, laidback, etc, but without the volatility of Mark Antony. And yes, I did drool on my shoes.

Note to self : burn and delete stuff, run spybot and registry cleaner when I get home.

snow!, tv in general, tv: rome, ads: john barrowman, squee!, musicals

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