Title: It Wasn't Supposed To Be This Way 1/1
burned_phoenix Rating: R at the most
Characters/Pairings: Jensen Ackles / Jared Padalecki
Spoilers/Universe: Crime-AU
Wordcount: 1.011
Summary: It just wasn't supposed to be this way.
Warnings: major emotional pain, (
only click here if you wanna see the full warning )
Anyone, anyone - Bueller?
Oookay. I'd love to say something like: that fic really made my day --- but actually I'm still uhm... well...
Usually I won't read something like that at all, cause it always leave me with a lump in my throat and belly aches... but nonetheless this was very well written.
You did a great job, but I definitely prefer happily ever after fics - so, could you please try something like that necxt... pretty please? *g*
ANTM - America's next top model... the new season just started. *ggg*
SON - that was Matt cohen, right? *gg*
Lost Girl is something supernatural. She's a succubus and has to learn to control her "hunger". I've seen only the first episode - and it was okay. Lets wait and see...
I'm in love with The Galdes. I love that scruffy guy. I'm behind with "The Gates"... I really should call it an early day. *nods* May I need another day on my couch. I'm freezing my ass off right now.
yep, that's matt, lots of topless scenes and hot and sweaty and just... yeah, you get the picture :D let me know if you want it, it's a bit hard to get...
LG sounds like something I might give a shot :D
freezing isn't good, darling! I went out with a jacket today, it's fucking cold at 6 am!
I'll see how much time I have when I'm done with dark blue :D
I'm not sure if I'll ever find the time to watch SON, but you should already know that I have THE GOOGLE-FU! *ggg* If I'm not capable of finding it - no one will! *lol*
How sweet. I highly appreciate the effort. But at the moment not necessary, cause I'm already behind anything. If I ever want to watch it and don't find it anywhere I'll know where I can find you!
*smooooooooooooooooooooooooches you tight*
SON has only 25-30 minute episodes, did I mention that before? :D
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