I want you to ask me something you think you should know about me. Something that should be obvious, but you have no idea about. I promise to be honest.
Ask away. Then post this in your LJ and find out what people don't know about you.
Picture an amoeba-like blob, constantly spinning, changing shape, breaking down, just in a state of complete turmoil. That's what my mind feels like right now
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These days, I'm in a new place wit old people, in a new semester with new an dold faces. New job, old job, new classes, old classmates
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Alas, hi5 has also claimed my life.. I just find it amazing that almost everyone I click on is connected to me somehow. hi5.com is the best social website out there. You don't have to pay to contact people, everything is friendly.. it's cool.
I'm making this post with the use of a wireless internet connection on my laptop. Finally, I sigh. But should I trust it again? My heart has been made cold by weeks of dial-up...
The one day I get from work and try to head out to the gym, it's closed... What are the chances....?