Baby wants to come sooner rather than later

Aug 18, 2005 19:25

On Mon morning I was having horrible cramping. I took a cab to the er. Baby's hearbeat was ok, but I did test postive for leaking amniotic fluid although they said my cervix appeared closed. I went back today and my cervix is 50% effaced and I am 2-3 cm dilated ( Read more... )

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Comments 20

rainpuddle13 August 19 2005, 01:28:00 UTC
*crosses fingers* Everything will be alright. I just know it.


burgosdamasco August 28 2005, 01:26:33 UTC
Keep crossing those fingers. Baby came early but is improving!


rainpuddle13 August 29 2005, 12:29:45 UTC
I hope that everything is still going well. *hugs*


bana05 August 19 2005, 01:39:31 UTC
Here's to hoping for a patient baby!11!1



burgosdamasco August 28 2005, 01:27:09 UTC
THanks for the hugs. Baby decided not to be patient!!!

Already giving this mother a fright!


moltobene1925 August 19 2005, 03:49:47 UTC
I had my son at 35 and everything was fine, in fact, he was almost 9 pounds! I know you work in the medical field so there really isn't anything anyone could tell you that you don't already know but if everything's been fine so far there is no reason it would go wrong now. You're going to have a beautiful baby!
Lots of luck and anything else you think you might need are mentally being sent your way :)


burgosdamasco August 28 2005, 01:26:12 UTC
9 pounds! Goodness Gracious. Can you imagine how much he would have weighed at 40 weeks?

My son was born(sounds so weird to say that!) Tues!

Keep sending those mental vibes I will need them!


krystal_klear79 August 19 2005, 04:20:01 UTC
OMG! that is scary. . .I freaked out when I went into labor with my Daughter. . .but to be early. . I would be freaked.


burgosdamasco August 28 2005, 01:22:25 UTC
Thanks for the comment! Baby did come early! HE is doing fine but still in the Nicu.


krystal_klear79 August 28 2005, 03:31:31 UTC
I'm glad that He's doing fine. . .Good luck with motherhood mine is only four months and it's great but challenging everyday! : )


geofan August 19 2005, 07:39:34 UTC
Hey, good luck!


burgosdamasco August 28 2005, 01:25:05 UTC
Good luck did help this week! I will post more info about my son't birth soon!


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