Baby wants to come sooner rather than later

Aug 18, 2005 19:25

On Mon morning I was having horrible cramping. I took a cab to the er. Baby's hearbeat was ok, but I did test postive for leaking amniotic fluid although they said my cervix appeared closed. I went back today and my cervix is 50% effaced and I am 2-3 cm dilated ( Read more... )

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Comments 20

serpentandlion August 19 2005, 15:30:38 UTC
I was induced at 37 weeks and my OB gave me a two part steroid injection (one injection now, one exactly 24 hours later) to help make sure her lungs were completely ready. Perhaps you should ask your OB about it, especially if you're leaking.

However, you're at a stage where baby would do fine if you delivered early. I just hope you're ready!

Good luck sweets!



burgosdamasco August 28 2005, 01:24:09 UTC
I was given the steroid injection too!

Baby did bust my bag of waters anyway. He's already a baad boy! ;)

And miracle of miracles, the little bugger is able to breathe on his own


serpentandlion August 29 2005, 14:09:15 UTC
DON'T YOU DARE EVER DO THAT AGAIN!!!! You scared the daylights out of me when I saw your account deleted! that I've vented...I'm so happy that you and baby are doing well. Guess I'll have to write that D/G fic for you! Now woman...DETAILS! Length, weight, know the important stuff! How is he sleeping? Eating? How do you feel? Isn't being a new mom surreal? Oh yeah...and how's the tummy?

*big, mommmy hugs*


mytimeisablur August 19 2005, 22:06:29 UTC
I'm sure everything'll be fine, but I will definately cross my fingers for you. :-)


burgosdamasco August 28 2005, 01:24:38 UTC
Your crossing fingers worked! Baby came early but is doing better and better each day!


sitandwait August 20 2005, 23:30:35 UTC
I hope you and baby are doing okay. I know how scary it is to go into labor early. Jack was 35 weeks and even though he was so big it was still really scary. Mine was totally different, though. My water just broke and went all over the place and then I went right into labor. I'll keep my fingers crossed that baby can hold out for a few more weeks.

If not, don't worry too much, at 33 weeks baby may have to stay awhile, but he/she (sorry I don't remember if you said or not) should be fine.

Good Luck


burgosdamasco August 28 2005, 01:23:18 UTC
Baby came early!!!!

But he is beautiful and I am sure he will be ok. Still in the Nicu, can't wait to bring him home!


sitandwait August 28 2005, 18:29:47 UTC
I bet he's beautiful. I'm sure he'll be fine, it's just so hard when they're in the NICU. Jack was only in there for a week but it was torture. It felt like they were purposefully keeping him from me. I know they weren't, they were just doing their job (and doing it well) but I was still a little resentful. I hope you're doing okay. I know you probably visit him every waking moment, but don't forget to get some sleep.


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