[ooc]: "Shit I Blew Up Nick's Room" open log, join if you like!

Sep 17, 2009 02:30

Who: Maya Fey (burgersplzthx), Klavier Gavin (rockinthetrial) & whoever drops in 8Db
Where: Phoenix Wright's room on the Vongola ship
Why: Nick bought a bag of Bombchus, which Maya promptly got her hands on and accidentally set off in his room. And now has to do damage control.
When: The night of this post!
Rating: uhh pretty much G, I guess?

Maya set both hands on her hips, tilted her head, and squinted her eyes. Shuffled a little to the left--turned her head the other way--briefly considered trying a hand-stand-- )

!logs, whoops my bad, it was an accident really

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rockinthetrial September 17 2009, 09:52:32 UTC
"Herr Wright, where is the buffet on this cruis--" the melodic voice of the blond stopped short as the man stood in the doorway of the room, observing the aftermath of the explosive on Phoenix Wright's room. "Fraulein Fey? What happened to Herr Wright's..." Klavier paused. He wasn't entirely certain what 'rooms' were called on a ship so he motioned to the smoldering ruins of Phoenix's bed and the charred walls. "living quarters?"


burgersplzthx September 17 2009, 09:55:12 UTC
Maya whirled about at the sound of Klavier's voice, hands already raised in a placating gesture. "Mr. Gavin! It's not what it looks li--well. Yeah, actually, it pretty much is."

The spirit medium sighed, toeing Phoenix's desk chair aside. "Um, well... you see, Nick bought a whole bunch of stuff today, and it turns out the mouse-looking toys turned out to be mobile bombs. Which I might have accidentally set off in here. Maybe."


rockinthetrial September 17 2009, 09:57:44 UTC
"Ach, sounds like quite the predicament you've gotten yourself into, Fraulein," Klavier ran a hand through his silky bangs and strode into the room. "Am I correct in assuming he doesn't yet know of the damages?"


burgersplzthx September 17 2009, 10:00:42 UTC
"Tell me about," Maya said, grinning dryly. She set the chair upright, whacking the seat firmly so the ash would clear off it, then surveyed the desk critically before shooting Klavier a glance over her shoulder. "And hopefully, he won't ever know about it, if I move fast enough! Feel like giving a girl a hand, mister rockstar?"


rockinthetrial September 17 2009, 10:12:34 UTC
"I think I can lend a maid in der bedrängnis a hand," the blond took off his royal purple jacket and set it on Phoenix's bedside table. He rolled up the sleeves of the black shirt up and then extracted a hair tie from the pocket of his leather pants, putting up his hair to keep it out of the way as he worked. "At least the walls look worse than they really are," Klavier said, examining the ash that made them appear burned, but were really only track marks. "Interesting weapons that caused this," the curiosity was not hidden from his voice.


burgersplzthx September 17 2009, 10:18:33 UTC
"Awesome! Thanks! Hold on a sec, I'll be right back..."

Maya returned to Phoenix's room, with her long hair messily twisted up and carrying a bucket-half filled with water, which she set on the floor between them. She pulled out one of the rags she'd also retrieved and stuffed in her sash, tossing it playfully at Klavier before she dampened her own and wiped cautiously at the track marks. "I dunno what I'd do if they were really burned. Those mouse things are really weird--I only touched it and it ran all over the room and blew up..."


rockinthetrial September 17 2009, 10:26:23 UTC
"That would have been much worse, yes. The captain might have had to get involved." He caught the rag out of the air and wet it as well, but before he set it on the wall, he paused. "Oh, do you mind if we have some music while we clean? I think it would be terribly boring to just clean without any distraction from the activity," Klavier said, setting the rag on his shoulder for a moment as he fished in his jacket for a CD. "Here it is! Was Herr Wright's stereo damaged?" he asked, as he stood up straight with the case in his hand.


burgersplzthx September 17 2009, 10:35:51 UTC
To her relief, the track marks came off with only a little bit of extra rubbing. Maya watched as Klavier produced the CD from seemingly nowhere and crossed over to the stereo, pausing in her efforts. "Music's fine with me! And I don't think it's damaged...or I sure hope not, anyway!" Rinsing the rag in the bucket, she wrung the excess water out and resumed her work. "Do you always carry CDs around, Mr. Gavin?"


rockinthetrial September 17 2009, 12:22:15 UTC
"Ja," Klavier set about flipping through the tracks of the CD until he found the song he wanted to hear, "it sort of comes with the territory of being a rockstar." He laughed good-naturedly and straightened up once the volume of the stereo was loud enough to fill the room with what he considered a healthy beat, but not so loud as to drown out the conversation he was having with Herr Wright's petite and charming little friend.

As he worked the wall beneath his hands, he couldn't help a laugh from bubbling up from his throat. An international rock star, cleaning a wall like a common house maid. It was a little ridiculous. Then again, no one but he (or perhaps the little magician Fraulein, though he'd yet to run into her) would find this ridiculous if they saw it. No one else knew he was a rockstar, unless he'd told them.

[OoC: I stopped by before going off to work! :D]


burgersplzthx September 17 2009, 19:53:04 UTC
"I guess that makes sense! Kind of like how I've always got my magatama! ...Or Nick does. Same diff." She bobbed her head a little to the beat, enjoying the music--it reminded her, somehow, of one of the opening sequences from the later incarnations of the Steel Samurai. Something familiar about the voice and the arrangement. Hm. Go figure.

Maya glanced at Klavier when he laughed, pushing up one of her dragging sleeves again and moving to the next wall, since her side was almost track-less. "What's so funny?"


rockinthetrial September 18 2009, 02:06:40 UTC
"Ach, it is nothing, Fraulein," he said with an amused smile as he continued his work. It was odd being in a place where no one knew about his rockstar career. He thought on it as he scrubbed the wall with the rag. On the one hand, some of the conveniences of being a rockstar were no longer at his fingertips--he couldn't just walk up to someone and expect them to be a servant to his every whim--but... on the other hand... It was... refreshing. For once his manager wasn't causing his cell phone to ring incessantly, asking for permission to make a "Greatest Hits" album or telling him to remix some old tracks for another CD. For once the paparazzi was not filing after him to ask him about Daryan or Kristoph. For once squealing girls were not pressed up against windows or trying to sneak into the prosecutor’s office in an attempt to see him. Ja, it was... refreshing. The only person who had treated him as a prosecutor and just that back in his old world was Herr Forehead. ... Well, and Herr Wright, but if he had to be honest with ( ... )


burgersplzthx September 18 2009, 02:43:49 UTC
Maya looked up from her wall, absentmindedly wiping soot off her cheek with a crooked wrist. Unfortunately for the prosecutor, she hadn't miss that little gaff, and even more unfortunately, she was far too inquisitive and straightforward to just let it go. "'Herr fo'?" she asked, perking up with interest. The spirit medium didn't know much about the new prosecutor, and she was intensely curious to find out more. "Who's that? Oh--and you can just call me Maya, you know."


rockinthetrial September 18 2009, 03:11:16 UTC
"Fraulein Maya it is," Klavier agreed, trying to buy some time away from explaining who 'Herr Fo' was and why he'd inadvertently said his name. He wrung out the cloth in his hands and stared at the grayish water draining from the rag as it occurred to him that he had no reason to shy away from an explanation. Why should he feel... awkward? embarrassed? well, whatever the emotion was, there was no reason for it and it seemed silly to let it affect what he said to the girl.
"Herr Forehead," Klavier stated the nickname he had given Apollo during their first day of trial together. "He is..." An acquaintance? No they were closer than that, weren't they? After all, the two of them had worked on several cases together. A friend? Were they close enough to be considered friends? Klavier liked to think so, but... all the time they spent together was purely professional, wasn't it? Well, apart from the time he'd sent Apollo and Trucy tickets to his concert. "... a coworker of mine. Although, 'was' would be the appropriate English ( ... )


burgersplzthx September 18 2009, 03:20:20 UTC
"Was? Oh, right, before you got teleported over here, huh?" Satisfied that her wall was clean, Maya looped the rag over her sash, heedless of the grayish, faintly damp mark it left on her robes. Once Klavier finished his wall, they'd have to figure out how to remove the wreckage of the table and how to replace it. "Coworker, huh? Your legal aide? I didn't know prosecutors had assistants, too--Miles never has anybody near him in court, but then, he probably doesn't need help like Nick does."


rockinthetrial September 18 2009, 03:34:47 UTC
"Nein, he was a defense attorney," Klavier was satisfied his wall was clean as it became almost reflective with shine. He tossed the moist rag onto the side of the bucket where it could be picked up to clean something else if necessary. The prosecutor laughed, "Perhaps it is a trademark of the Wright Agency? It seemed like Herr Forehead always has someone there with him in court as well."


burgersplzthx September 18 2009, 03:41:12 UTC
"You mean Nick could actually afford hiring more people?" Were it physically possible, Maya was certain her eyebrows would be shooting off into her hair now. "He has his own legal aide, huh? Oh, can you grab that piece of the table? We can probably just chuck it overboard or something--I wonder if I know them? I hope they live up to the Maya Fey traditional of legal assistance!" Grinning, she shoved three detached table legs under her arm and stooped to pick up a particularly large plane of the ruined table, waiting by the door for Klavier to follow her up so they could walk topside to dispose of the evidence.


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