Wherein I talk a lot about actual serious business

May 09, 2010 08:23

So I've decided to stop automatically posting under friendslock for a little while, to see how it feels.

This is, I suppose, as good a place to start as any, particularly considering that this post would have been unlocked regardless.

Let me say first and foremost that I agree with Kita to the fullest extent of my abilities. If you come to me ( Read more... )

rape culture at large, fandom: spn, bunny gets her rant on, public post, and the earth did not devour her

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Comments 32

kita0610 May 10 2010, 05:42:00 UTC
I rather love you a lot.


bunnymcfoo May 10 2010, 05:45:37 UTC
To nobody's surprise, the feeling is entirely mutual. <3


triple_phoenix May 10 2010, 05:59:38 UTC
you're amazing, bunny.

I should like to talk to you sometime if you happen to be on AIM.


bunnymcfoo May 10 2010, 13:39:31 UTC
thank you, bb. I'll try to be around this week, a wee bit. I'm almost always on gchat, invisible, if you ever use that?


culurien May 10 2010, 06:28:36 UTC
I don't know what this is about (and don't need to know; I'm not in the fandom, and it isn't my business), but: well said.

For every "false accusation", there are literally hundreds of thousands of people who either choose not to or can't talk about sexual violations taken against their person. In light of that, I will always believe you.

Especially this.


bunnymcfoo May 10 2010, 13:40:51 UTC
Thank you. I really do think that it went beyond being a single fandom issue, in that rape culture and victim blaming are massive issues - a fact that the original poster seemed utterly unable to understand. *wrathful*

<3 It's good to see your name around again.


culurien May 11 2010, 04:44:11 UTC
Definitely. I hope some good awareness comes out of this. <3

And thanks!:) It's a new thing I'm trying, called actually updating my journal...we'll see how long it lasts.:D


adamjury May 10 2010, 07:50:58 UTC
One of my friends pointed out the drama to be earlier today. What a freakin' load of shit. Your post, and various snippets of your other posts that I saw in the caps, were very well done.


bunnymcfoo May 10 2010, 13:41:28 UTC
Thank you. I wasn't sure, by the end, if I'd done any good or if I'd just made things worse, so this means a lot. <3


harborshore May 10 2010, 09:41:36 UTC
♥ Thank you.


bunnymcfoo May 10 2010, 13:41:49 UTC
♥ & thank you for your post earlier.


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