Title: The Mechanics of Mornings
attilatehbunFandom: Young Avengers
Pairing/Characters: Billy Kaplan/Teddy Altman, Kate Bishop, Eli Bradley, Tommy Shepherd
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1200+
Summary: Mornings, they're hard. Especially when you have only five minutes to figure it out and no coffee.
riko asked for a timestamp of 24 hours later for
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Comments 3
1) Billy is channeling Tony Stark in terms of the coffee.
2) I immediately assumed 'threesome' when it occurred to me that Tommy is in the bathroom in the room I'm also assuming Kate and Eli were sharing--so either Tommy just barged in or he was also staying. I like the second option.
3) Mourn him while I laugh at him, Katie.
<3 <3 <3 <3
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