Title: Magic
attilatehbunPairing: Dean/Luna
Rating: gentle R
Word Count: 1100+
Things to know: So sugary I'm passing out free insulin shots at the door.
Summary: Dean wants to show Luna that even Muggles can make a certain type of magic.
Author's Notes: Spontaneous birthday comment!fic for
mrssnape_1414. Totally unbetaed, in the manner of comment!fic, so
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Comments 13
How beautiful. Props for spontaneity, too: I am impressed.
*goes off to hunt up some Dean Luna iconage*
And, because I forgot before: THANK YOU! :) :) :)
I'm glad you liked it. XD Some days, it seriously takes the teensiest of nudges to get my Dean/Luna going. Though it doesn't usually come out as sugary as this. Ah well. Next time for porn, yes?
As for iconnage. Well. I've made a handful of icons from the various D/L arts I've gotten, but not enough that I feel merits a full post? Like, 4 or something from each piece so far. But I'm going to sit down and finish iconning the crap out of them, and then I will do a massive post. In the meantime, here's a quick sample if you want to snag any.
( ... )
Do it.
...I should really get that prompt meme together, shouldn't I?
The company director was sitting behind me. Hehe.
Anyways, yes do the prompt meme. I am going to try to write on the train this weekend, but who knows how that'll turn out.
Favourite parts of this:
She's barely through the door before Dean's behind her and cupping his hands over her eyes. His warm, earthy smell surrounds her, and her nerves thrum the prelude, the overture.
^ You really hooked me at this point.
She can feel his shrug through his arms, down to the fingertips on her eyebrows, can hear it in his voice.
^ Little descriptions like this are what really makes the piece. I kept having my stomach flip over with the squee and the sheer chemistry between the two of them.
"You have that look," she says.
"What look?"
"The one that usually means I'm about to be naked in the leaves."
Dean's eyes laugh. "Do you want to be naked in the leaves?"
"Oh, yes please. Very much."I just ... guh. ( ... )
I should have made it more porny though. :/
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