Title: Magic
attilatehbunPairing: Dean/Luna
Rating: gentle R
Word Count: 1100+
Things to know: So sugary I'm passing out free insulin shots at the door.
Summary: Dean wants to show Luna that even Muggles can make a certain type of magic.
Author's Notes: Spontaneous birthday comment!fic for
mrssnape_1414. Totally unbetaed, in the manner of comment!fic, so
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I'm glad you liked it. XD Some days, it seriously takes the teensiest of nudges to get my Dean/Luna going. Though it doesn't usually come out as sugary as this. Ah well. Next time for porn, yes?
As for iconnage. Well. I've made a handful of icons from the various D/L arts I've gotten, but not enough that I feel merits a full post? Like, 4 or something from each piece so far. But I'm going to sit down and finish iconning the crap out of them, and then I will do a massive post. In the meantime, here's a quick sample if you want to snag any.
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