Hi Stew and Jonathan :P

Mar 10, 2011 19:58

I have taken down these photos because I've decided I hate them.

Thank you for your time.

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Comments 4

midnightstation March 11 2011, 03:26:17 UTC
You put my name in the title of your post. I SO FUCKING LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also love photos of you. Damn you look good in that latex dress! @_@ Your legs are pretty smexy too. ;P

January? Really? You best get that perty but out there and get some more pictures taken. The summer is coming and you will need to update your facebook and what not. Not to mention your LJ. How ever will I survive the warm weather without photos of you! I need you!. Don't leave a poor wretch like me hanging... waiting... wondering... pining away for your photos...

OK. SO that may have been a teeny weeny bit melodramatic. But the sentiment is true. =)

Thanks for posting more awesome photos of you. =) AND thanks for coming on LJ to do it. I assume Jonathan will thank you as well.

Much love,


bunnie_page March 13 2011, 09:40:42 UTC
And apparently Jonathan isn't on LJ any more. LOL.

Just a teensy dramatic :P I've shot since then, I'm just posting them based on whatever picture I most recently saw to post.

I'm not giving up LJ! It's just you and me, buddy! We're gonna stick it out and make it cool again (okay, probably not).


siddesquid March 11 2011, 07:07:48 UTC
looking sexy as ever bunny.....


bunnie_page March 13 2011, 09:41:08 UTC
Thanks :P


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