[Fanfic] Drawn Together [1/3]

Dec 20, 2010 17:50

Title: Drawn Together [1/3]
Author: couryielle
Characters: America, England, mention of BFT
Summary: usxuk  2010 Secret Santa Gift for malayu . Request: Alfred and Arthur. Stuck together in the student council room after hours. Whatever happens is up to you.
Warnings: Unbeta'd. OOC-ness. Crappy writing is crappy. The title was just for the sake of having a title.
Words: 1,226


If there was anything in the world workaholic Student Council President Arthur Kirkland would want to shirk on doing, it was babysitting the juvenile delinquents. It’s not that he didn’t know how to restrain them, or that he feared being the target of their shenanigans (why, he was an absolutely invincible British gentleman!). It was that they caused too much headache. And headaches were something the sole Student Council member of World Academy couldn’t afford to have.

Also, aside from the three regular patrons of his babysitting services (when, oh, when will that perverted Frenchman, that narcissistic German, and that zealous Spaniard ever learn?), there were also that American. That American who, for some reason, had been frequenting the Student Council Room (That small special room within the library. Heaven knows why it was there, but it is, and it’s reserved strictly for Student Council work.) for no apparent reason. Arthur didn’t like getting his privacy invaded, especially when he has so much to do. He just couldn’t afford setbacks.

Although, he thought silently while sighing out loud. He was sitting on a swivel chair, facing a pile of paperwork about a foot in height. It was nearly the end of the year, so it’s normal for all the tests, projects, programs, and student activity proposals to accumulate on his small desk. Now would be a nice time for that silly American distraction to breeze in and take my mind off work for a while... Wait, what the bloody hell, Arthur, why would you want Alfred’s presence here when you can always have Veronique’s?? Arthur pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to replace images of the bouncy, hyper American with that of the tan, exotic Seychellois girl. Veronique was the new student from Seychelles, and she had already caught the interest of several boys in school.

Arthur looked at the majestic grandfather clock standing proudly in the corner (how it got there, nobody knows either.) It was 4:30 pm already. Only a matter of time before the school closes. Knowing that he will have to face them sooner or later (and he would rather face it sooner so he can finish working off the bloody menace earlier), Arthur sighed again, gave up on waiting for Alfred (Veronique!), picked up his pen, and began his work.

Alfred sat by his lonesome in the library, reading a big book about food around the world. Or at least, appeared to be reading. The big, hard-bound book stood erect on its spine, it’s outspread covers successfully hiding (not like anyone would see him where he was) the American’s drooping head and closed eyes.

It was a bright, sunny, perfectly normal day. Citizens walked all around the city streets, some to go to work, some to go home, some to just stray for a while, all while musing over their civilian everyday lives. Children in schools did everything short of taping their eyelids up just to keep themselves awake. The dogs barked. The birds chirped. The cats slept on unfixed beds. Everything was as fine as can be... until A GIANT LETTUCE MONSTER SPONTANEOUSLY APPEARED AND STARTED DESTROYING THE TOWN AND TAKING OVER THE WORLD!

People screamed and ran around in panic. Children's eyes flew wide open and they needed nothing more to stay awake. The dogs howled louder. The birds fluttered away. The cats, in typical feline fashion, relocated themselves to the clothes basket, where it is more peaceful. Everyone was alarmed. Who can save them now?

“Look up there!”

“Is it a bird?”

“Is it a plane?”

“Is it mochi?”


“No, you guys!” a triumphant, booming, grand voice laughed, as a figure flew gracefully above the now cheering citizens. “It’s everybody’s favorite hero, Amer--”

“Oi, wake up, Alfred!”

“--ica... wha-?” Alfred jerked his head upwards, instinctively wiping the back of his hand across his face (Better safe than sorry. There could be something there that need be removed).

“The library, no, the school is no place for sleeping, you git!” a pissed-looking Student Council President Arthur Kirkland said, looking down at the still somewhat sleep-addled American.

“Nor is it a place to swear” Alfred wittingly shot back, successfully eliciting that prized blush from the Englishman’s face.

“A-anyway, what are you still doing here? It’s already 5 in the afternoon! All the students should have gone home by now, seeing as we only have classes until 3pm,” Arthur quickly changed the topic. Nobody is allowed to see that side of the great President. That American was the only one so far who had been able to rumple his perfectly practised poker face.

“Aw, pshaw, it’s not like we two are the only students left here, am I right?” Alfred reasoned. It was difficult to tell from where they were located, which was the corner where a large shelf obscured the view of the whole library - a private place where Alfred could spend time alone. He and the Student Council President are almost always the only ones in that section anyway. Arthur walked to the edge of the wooden shelf and peered at the room.

“Congratulations, we are the only ones here” Arthur tried to deadpan, but a slight trace of anxiety registered in his voice.

“What? No way! You mean the librarian’s left already?” Alfred exclaimed, standing up and surveying the library. Empty. The librarian is always supposed to be the last one to leave, and she almost always really is the last person there.

“S-she must have gone to the bathroom or something. It has been awfully colder than usual lately. Uh... just, go already. I’ll follow after I sort out those papers” Arthur said, literally pushing Alfred to the door.

“Wait, don’t you want some help with sorting them out?” Alfred offered, as the Briton pushed him to door.

“No no no. You might mess them up. Besides, they’re already half-organized already. I just need to put them away” Arthur insisted, turning the doorknob.


That’s not good, Arthur thought, afraid that his fear might come true. He shook the dreadful thought away and, with a perfectly calm face, turned the knob again.


The door was already locked from the outside. Panic started to show on his face. That can NOT be good, Arthur fretted in his head. The library is only ever locked when everybody has left the school. Which means they’re now stuck, just as he feared.

Alfred started to pick up the panic cues on Arthur’s expression (plus the small beads of sweat that started to form on his forehead). “H-hey...” he started, dreading the same situation as Arthur’s since they both realized that they were alone. “We’re not stuck here in the library all by our lonesome, are we?”

“What? Of course not!” Arthur shook his head and opted a braver front. He was the World Academy Student Council President, for Christ’s sake! He cannot show any weakness when he’s the only one in charge. Not even if they’re alone. Not even if it’s with that American. Especially because he’s with that American!

“Hey! Open up!” Alfred shouted, banging the door with his fists. “Open up! There are still people here!”

“Hey! Let us out!” Arthur joined in, not knowing what else to do

They paused. Except for the two men’s panting, everything was silent as a rock.


So... there. I figured I should already go ahead and get things over with. I'm basically just winging it. It's been sitting in my GoogleDocs for so long now. I'll post the next part/s some other time. It's actually not done yet since, herpaderp, I signed up for so many secret santas and I have to spread myself thin TT3TT

Dear malayu ,
Sorry for butchering their characters and abusing your request "OTL

||  Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 ||

c: prussia, p: america/england, c: france, f: axis powers hetalia, w: fanfiction, c: england, c: spain, c: america

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