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Comments 520

gomugomunopwn June 17 2011, 18:42:30 UTC
[Things had been pretty boring lately besides the whole everyone switching personalities thing that happened yesterday. That was a little weird. He decided that he would go visit all of his woodland buddies today and see what they were up to until... he got there. And his eyes widened at all the blood. And the bodies everywhere...

Who the hell could've did this? He's so surprised by all of this that he hasn't noticed Mu yet.]


oneofsaya June 17 2011, 18:52:24 UTC
[So she was correct. With someone like Luffy, it's impossible not to notice his appearance. Not with the power that emanates from him.]

New threat detected. [She turns to face him. She's still covered by the blood she had shed only moments ago; the blood of Luffy's friends. Kusanagi pauses momentarily, looking at him from head to toe.

She's really just scanning his battle capabilities.]


gomugomunopwn June 17 2011, 19:01:01 UTC
[He hears her voice, but he doesn't turn to look at her. He just stands there quiet, his hat helping shield whatever emotion that was on his face right now. The Strawhat captain stood there. Blank. Eventually, he spoke.]

...did you do this?


oneofsaya June 17 2011, 19:15:23 UTC
[No answer. She continues to talk to herself.]

Target threat level is SS. [Pause.] Hostility level... rising. Override of all power limitations is suggested.


whydidisaverick June 17 2011, 18:50:48 UTC
[Bruce is going with scenario twooooo.

Bruce was just walking around the village reading a book on different kinds of magic and sorcery and things like that. He wanted to get a good grip on what this whole magic stuff was about. He had gotten pretty decent with his healing ability after about 20 or so days of practice, so he was seeing if there were any other kinds of magic he could learn. And that's... when he comes across Mu. Covered in blood.

He couldn't put a finger on it, but she looked pretty familiar. Where had he seen her from? Regardless, he decides to run over and see if she's alright.]

Uh, excuse me, Miss? Are... you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital?


oneofsaya June 17 2011, 19:09:39 UTC
[What, this? You don't need to worry about her, Mr. Banner. It's you you should be looking out for. Because quite frankly? She does. Not. Like. How close you're getting to her.

And it shows when her eyes pierce straight at him, as if staring into his very soul.]

Scanning... target's threat level confirmed. [He's more dangerous than he seems. Kusanagi isn't going to play around here.]


whydidisaverick June 17 2011, 19:12:58 UTC
Whoa, what? No, no I'm not a threat.

[He puts his hands up in a non-threatening position.]

Look, just calm down and let's try to get you to a hospital okay? I'm not here to hurt you.


oneofsaya June 17 2011, 19:23:29 UTC
[Not listening. Less than a minute in here, and she's already sick of this place. Bruce can't convince her otherwise, and she's already set her eyes on him for even daring to approach.]

Switching to battle mode. [Just like in the forest, a light encases her as she does a short spin. Her previous outfit is gone, replaced by her battle 'armor'.

The eight disembodied blades floating behind her move on their own to surround Kusanagi, as if acting as a shield. Her body begins to levitate a little higher as the blades begin to point straight at Bruce instead.] Proceeding to terminate target.

[Better run!]


[Placeholder, you horrible person.] 1/3 mikangirl June 17 2011, 19:46:30 UTC
[Nami's crossing the forest directly from the orchard to the plaza today, intent on holing up in the bar for at least a few hours. She breaks out of the trees just a few yards behind said blood-splattered person, and pulls up short. That's...never a good sign.]

Uh, hey--

[Long blonde hair matted with blood. Which from this angle could be anyone--]


2/3 mikangirl June 17 2011, 19:53:09 UTC
[--no. The ends are all weird. Like the hair's been burnt. Where has she--]


mikangirl June 17 2011, 19:56:46 UTC
[Sup, Mu. Have a navigator suddenly in your face and grabbing you by the shoulders.] Noel!? What happened?


1/2 oneofsaya June 17 2011, 20:13:03 UTC
[She had already sensed the presence of Nami before she had even spoke to her. The familiar red hair...


...also in her memories? Who is this woman? Why can't she remember? Kusanagi doesn't understand. She's scanning her, looking for some sort of classification--]


roboredom June 17 2011, 19:46:41 UTC
[HEY. HEY. Don't ask why he's in the forest, but maybe he was looking to slaughter innocent animals too! But here you are, taking all of them for yourself as if you owned the place. How rude.]

WHAT ARE YOU DOING? [He's not even phased by the fact that she's, well, murdering tons of innocent animals.]


oneofsaya June 17 2011, 19:54:20 UTC
[Wow, was that the world's most annoying sound she just heard?

Her rampage interrupted, she stops to stare at the eyesore that just showed up in the general vicinity. Unlike her usual responses, all she does is stop and stare.]



roboredom June 17 2011, 20:07:15 UTC
[Hey! He's not an eyesore! He's really beautiful, and only a mechanic would appreciate his beauty. Clearly, she is none of those things.

... But dat ass.] ARE YOU GOING TO RESPOND?


oneofsaya June 17 2011, 20:44:16 UTC
[There's another short pause before she finally speaks again.]

Target identified as an artificial being. Target's threat level is... D.

[it means you're weak]


[Placeholder, will be around sporadically until the evening] eidolon_soul June 17 2011, 19:54:26 UTC
[Scenario two, please. Rydia's on her way back into town after taking some time for herself by the riverside, when she notices a figure up ahead. That said figure is covered in blood quickly catches her attention, and the summoner strides forward quickly, eyes widening in concern.]



[Aye aye. \o] oneofsaya June 17 2011, 20:32:16 UTC
[It's there.] Signs of life... located.

[Rydia probably won't have to worry much; after all, the one covered in blood doesn't seem to care much about it in the first place.

Maybe that in itself is worrying enough. The cold, hard stare she gives Rydia as she stares at her intently. Unchanging. Unmoving. As if she were a living, breathing doll.] Scanning target...


eidolon_soul June 17 2011, 20:45:13 UTC
[That cold stare unsettles Rydia, but she's too worried to depart. A shame, really.]

What happened?!? Do you need healing? Let me take you to the clinic....


oneofsaya June 17 2011, 21:15:39 UTC
[Even if she decided to turn and leave now, it's already a little too late. In her mind, Rydia has already been deemed a threat by merely being there. She can already sense that she possesses a great power within her, but if her senses are correct, there are more just like this woman around the enclosure. This does not intimidate her.] Target determined to be an S-level threat.

[Her countenance remains to same, even as she spells out what's like a death warrant for her.] ... Termination is suggested.


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