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[ action ] mistyarc August 16 2011, 09:42:53 UTC
[Meditation that it may be, Hubert is literally speechless when he comes upon the clearing and sees Noel. To him, it looks as though she's flailing around in one spot for no reason.

On second thought, it's like she's supposed to be posing. Or something.

Ge's rather at a loss for what he should do. But, well, since he's already this close, he may as well speak up.]

. . . What are you doing?


[ action ] bullet_dance August 16 2011, 09:49:38 UTC
[Stand on one leg... keep composure... clear your mind... man asking what you're doing-- WAIT WHAT.

Noel tries to turn around to see who it is, but is quickly losing balance.]

N-N-Nothing-- eek! [...only to completely lose it and fall on her ass.] Oww...


[ action ] mistyarc August 16 2011, 09:55:48 UTC
[That didn't look and sound like nothing, but he doesn't have the time to say as much.

Hubert makes his way to her when the woman starts falling, though he doesn't quite make it in time. Brushing that small failure aside, he approaches her from the front and quietly offers her a hand to pull her up with. It's largely his fault that she fell. Probably.]


[ action ] bullet_dance August 16 2011, 10:11:03 UTC
[Noel stares at that hand.]

...huh? [Oh. Wait.] Ah! Um... thank you. [And quickly saving herself from more embarrassment, she takes it and stands on her feet again.]


[ action ] mistyarc August 16 2011, 10:32:39 UTC
[He simply nods, releases his hand, and turns his gaze to the book on the ground. He'd noticed it on the way over to Noel. Looking at it, this whole situation makes more sense.]

So you were imitating this.


[ action ] bullet_dance August 16 2011, 10:58:19 UTC
[Oh god, how does she explain this.]

Y... Yes. Well, I wouldn't call it just imitating...


[ action ] mistyarc August 16 2011, 20:50:53 UTC
[Yoga is nothing to be ashamed of, Noel.]

Practicing, then.

. . . What for?


[ action ] bullet_dance August 16 2011, 21:29:43 UTC
[It is her dark and troubled... secret. 9|]

It's... this exercise I found out about. Have you ever heard of yoga?


[ action ] mistyarc August 17 2011, 01:49:26 UTC
[O-oh. And the term jars his memory -- finally, he gets it.]

I see, you were attempting to meditate.


[ action ] bullet_dance August 17 2011, 01:55:57 UTC
Y-Yes, that's right! I heard that yoga was a good stress-reliever, so I didn't think it would hurt to give it a try.


[ action ] mistyarc August 17 2011, 05:41:16 UTC
It should improve circulation and allow the body to relax. Moreover, because you are occupied by your posture, your mind is effectively at ease.

However . . . has it worked at all for you?


[ action ] ...wow, i chose the wrong icon in the last tag 8| bullet_dance August 17 2011, 07:18:51 UTC
...not yet. I've only just started, so it's a little difficult, but... I'm sure I'll get the hang of it. Um...


You seem to be very knowledgeable about this sort of thing, though.


[ action ] we can say it never happened. c: mistyarc August 17 2011, 07:42:48 UTC
I've read books on the subject before.

[Simple as that, really.

Her obvious struggle with getting the poses down aside, there's the heat to consider since he doesn't know whether or not she's used to it. And while he's no expert on the matter, he should try to help after having disrupted her.]

What are you struggling with, exactly?


[ action ] 8'D bullet_dance August 18 2011, 01:38:15 UTC
What I'm... [She trails off. Wait, does he actually want to help her?

What should she do?]

N... Nothing too major. I'm just not very flexible, is all.


[ action ] mistyarc August 19 2011, 08:17:33 UTC
[He thinks about this for a moment. Not being flexible and attempting to do yoga don't exactly make an ideal combination.]

Stretch exercises, a healthy diet, and nutritional supplements can increase flexibility.


[ action ] bullet_dance August 19 2011, 12:16:55 UTC



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