Rebel // 67 [Action] Fowarddated to afternoon of 8/16

Aug 15, 2011 22:11

[It… doesn’t feel right. Something.

In the last few days, Noel has began to take notice of it - there’s this strange emptiness surrounding her consciousness. She doesn’t know what to call it, because she can’t place her finger on what it is. She doesn’t think of it when she’s with others, still coping. Still trying to make the best of things even after the events of June. Ignoring those pent-up feelings that have been getting worse about that someone. She can force herself to be happy.

But when she’s alone, her mind wanders, and she feels like there’s something missing. When she thinks of Tsubaki, or Makoto, or even Jin, something feels… empty.

When she thinks of her parents, she can’t think of their faces. Had she not seen them for that long now?

Noel can’t keep worrying over this. There are more important things to work out. Surely, whatever this is, it’s just a small phase. Her parents are still her parents and her friends are still her friends.

There’s no need to be afraid of something that’s not even there.]

[Noel hasn’t forgotten the promise she made over a month ago, and to this day she’s still been trying to find that solution… only to find no real answer. Frustrating? Definitely. But how can she just expect the answer to show up like that? Should she even be expecting to find it here, of all places?

Regardless, after a trip to the library sometime ago, a peculiar book had caught Noel’s attention; a book on… meditation, of all things. Even if it has nothing to do with her issue, she decided to sit down and skim the book anyway, out of sheer curiosity.

"Meditation refers to a family of self-regulation practices that focus on training attention and awareness in order to bring mental processes under greater voluntary control and thereby foster general mental well-being and development and/or specific capacities such as calm, clarity, and concentration."

It’s one lead Noel can look into, even if… well. She… doesn’t really know the first thing about meditating. The next few hours were spent skimming through different books and looking for some sort of technique, and that’s when she found it…


So sometime in the next day, Noel’s out in a clearing in the forest relatively near the village. Why she’s outside for this? She was told that these sort of exercises are best with fresh air! When she’s sure that she’d be completely alone, she lays out the book she borrowed from the library on the ground and attempts making a variety of poses, instructions and all.

The problem is that Noel is hardly flexible, so most of those poses are going to result in utter, dismal failure. But she can try! She can do this! This is great exercise! This is… meditation!

…feel free to walk in on her.]

wow i posted

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