May 03, 2017 20:31
it is constrained
but never contained
somehow subjected
hope you can direct it
ripping a new one
stars come undone
fragile surprise
do not an-ta-go-nize
crave the world peace
tease my malice
antifragile release
praise me with ease
Nov 24, 2016 09:06
The beauty is to be blissfully unaware,
The beauty is in chunks of the grey building by the station,
The beauty makes you smile at a drunk, as if to lay his soul bare,
The beauty doesn't ask, but just exists ever since its creation.
Nov 09, 2016 17:28
no title
Then came the moment
when leaves had fallen.
It started raining.
The train was standing,
Absurdly waiting
For things to come.
Accept all things,
Revolt and die.
Decide to kill.
It is all the same.
Camus was right.
The choice is yours.
But if you doubt,
Then stuff will break
You'll cry.
And suffer.
The leaves had fallen.
Oct 27, 2016 22:59
Кашель с утра.
Болят кончики пальцев.
Одна тарелка.
Aug 16, 2016 21:11
Сначала было слово.
Сначало была нота.
Сначала был свет.
Сначала был человек.
Сначала была любовь.
Сначала была вибрация.
Сначала была.
Начало было.