Bujold Fest 2009 Prompts Post!

Jul 05, 2009 11:33

Hello all!

It's getting to be ficathon/fest time again, and I've volunteered to help with it this year. I'm borrowing sahiya's bus to do it because, hey, buses with sunroofs are cool.

In other words, last year's format seemed to work really well, so let's go with it again. For those who are new or have forgotten, here's how it works:

1. Comment to this post between now and Saturday (July 11) with prompts for any of the Bujold fandoms: Vorkosigan, Chalion, Sharing Knife, or Spirit Ring.
2. Next Sunday (July 12), I'll post all the prompts organized into some sort of groupings (by fandom of course, then probably character or pairing or some recurrent theme that has emerged).
3. Prompts will be open for claiming until the following Saturday (July 18).
4. A calendar showing which prompts will be assigned to which days will be posted on Sunday, July 19.
5. Write, draw, or otherwise create fannish content for your prompt, and post it on the day for that prompt. (
6. Posting will be the week of August 16-22, with a free-for-all day on the 23rd.

Prompts should be at least a character or pairing and something that answers one of the remaining key questions of "where," "when," or "how." For example, "Miles/Ekaterin after DI," or "Beatriz in class with Iselle." They can absolutely be more elaborate, but preferably something short of a detailed outline.

Posting a prompt does not commit you to writing or creating something. Please feel free to prompt away regardless of whether you think you'll be writing/drawing/whatever!

Other guidelines:

Minimum story length is 500 words.
Minimum art/craft/mix/vid ... I have no idea how to quantify, but it should be a bit more than something dashed off in ten minutes.

To sum up:

Prompting: July 5-11
Prompt Claiming: July 12-18
Posting: August 16-22 + free-for-all on August 23

Please feel free to ask questions in comments as well as sharing prompts!
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