Calling all Mods!

Jan 19, 2006 11:39

buffyversetop5 is wrapping up on the 31st for 2005 recs, at which point the community will start its second purpose of serving as an archive and “starter” resource for the rest of the year. One thing we’ve both often hoped for but haven’t come across is a listing of all the active Buffyverse communities on LJ. There have been some good ones recced here so far, some new, some continuing, but what we’re looking for is a list of everything.

We wanted to ask if all readers who are mods (or who can contact a mod to participate) will take part in a post we will make titled “The Community List.” The comments will be the place for a link to the mod’s community and a few lines about what the community’s purpose is. We will make this post on January 21, to give us time to get the request out, but we will be postdating it to January 31 so that when Top 5 closes, the Community List post will be among the first to show up to users who come here.

We think this could be a helpful contribution to the fandom and hope you agree. If you have any questions or suggestions, comment here or e-mail us at buffyversetop5 at

admin: mod post

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