My Top 5 Discussion Moments of 2005

Jan 18, 2006 18:30

Five Pieces of Discussion that have inspired me.

Item Title or Description: “Connor Mind-wipe”
Creator’s Name: spacedoutlooney
Rating: N/A
Why I chose this: spacedoutlooney does a brilliant job of dissecting episodes, characters, pairings and moments within the Jossverse, but for me this post stuck out. For a great deal of my thinking, that involved Connor or revolved around Wesley, Spike, Angel or Darla, I often consulted this post, and particularly the link to versaphile’s screencaps.

Item Title or Description: “Discussion on Seeing Red”
Creator’s Name: molly_may
Rating: N/A
Why I chose this: At least two stories I wrote this year, revolved around some of the ideas molly_may discussed in this review of perhaps one of the most difficult episodes in the BtVS canon. Exceptionally well argued and explained.

Item Title or Description:“ Religious metaphors in the Buffyverse”
Creator’s Name: thedeadlyhook
Rating: N/A
Why I chose this: Just squeaking under the wire of the 2005 rule, this essay has caused me to write, read and discuss more on the issue of souls and religious imagery, and in particular as related to Spike and Angel’s own brand of soulfulness, than I would have thought possible. So many illuminating ideas, not only within the essay itself but in the discussion points raised in the replies.

Item Title or Description: Between the dotted lines (or why Shanshu!Spike)
Creator’s Name: yourlibrarian
Rating: N/A
Why I chose this: It’s interesting to follow trends in the fandom and yourlibrarian does a great job of investigating the different variations between how authors contemplate Shanshu!Spike. Made me realise that there are so many levels to Spike, often one discussion isn’t enough!

Item Title or Description: Angel
Creator’s Name: st_salieri
Rating: N/A
Why I chose this: It’s always nice to be reminded why we love characters, and I enjoyed how st_salieri takes a moment to suggest why we all (should) love Angel. Particularly liked how she drew comparisons between moments that I hadn’t really joined together in my mind and inspired me to get thoughts about other characters sorted in my head.

char: buffy, form: essay, char: connor, char: angel, char: spike, cat: episode-specific

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