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Comments 7

thenewbuzwuzz November 2 2020, 18:45:53 UTC
Awww, thank you for the shoutout! :))

And that Buffy x Spike x Faith artwork is fabulous.


yourlibrarian November 2 2020, 18:47:10 UTC
You're welcome :) And not a pairing that one sees that often, either.


sparrow2000 November 2 2020, 20:03:16 UTC
Love those icons. Look forward to discovering the rest, so thanks for highlighting them. :)


yourlibrarian November 2 2020, 20:11:08 UTC
It was a really good set, a standout for me. And hope you like them!


double_dutchess November 2 2020, 20:18:34 UTC
Thanks for reccing my Giles icons. That set was so much fun to make.

I support 2) (yes, suddenly that whole stupid episode makes a lot more sense!) and 4) (awesome artwork!) and will have to go and read the other two!


yourlibrarian November 2 2020, 20:28:10 UTC
Ha, speaking of great icons!

I never had an issue with that episode in particular, but I do appreciate the meta for, among other things, focusing on the fact that people can't simply go for days without sleep! And not only is this exaggeration made often in fiction, but so many TV and movie stories seem to happen continuously so that we never see people sleeping and rarely eating either, as if they could keep doing everything they're doing without rest or fuel.

I happen to agree with beer_good about the stimulants, it's common in the military but there's also a good comment about that on the AO3 version of the post. All of which is to say, there are still new things to say about this series after all these years!


double_dutchess November 2 2020, 20:49:10 UTC
Ha, speaking of great icons!

Thanks! For some reason I have made more icons of Giles than any other character. He's just very iconic :-)


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